Common sense definitions for autonomy
the number of kilometers a vehicle can go without refueling or a machine operate without battery loading (possibly infinite with solar cells),
- the civil rights of an adult human,
- the liberty of social group, be it corporate, public agency, town or state.
The PAM can be taken both
negatively : escape or minimize any limit to autonomy, unpredictibility for the observer
positively (extend the domain of our liberty.
Measures of autonomy. That requires a formal model of a quantitative definition, bearing on at least one aspect of autonomy.
In most cases, the measures will be gradients more than absolute values. The PAM principle by itself is partly dynamic, diachronic.
Loops, motors, recursion
Auto-prefix. Automatic, autotrophic, automobile. auto-initiating, autofiring (spontaneous, without external intervention),
autochton (native)
Lissajous curves (from Mathworld). Watt's centrifugal regulator,
Waves, planet cycles. The oscilograph principle, and possibly looping with Lissajoux
Mirror. Narcissus. Mise en abyme. Autist. Larsen effect.
Watt's regulator. Cybernetic feedback. (positive, negative).
Nomos, law. Politically. Opposed to religion (laws) given by God and dictatorship (laws given by a monarch)
Recursion. Recurrence.
Loops and recursion I must connect with the loop and recursion concepts, and kinds of feed-back (positive, negative, runaway...)
Motors, Water, wind mill. Electrical.
clock. Pendulum. Electronic, binary.
Finite automata
An example of recursive laws;
Part of the laws of S are unknown from an outside observer and evec by S itself. Probably here a basic relativity proof.
I is unpredictable by S. But knowledge reduces its unpredictability. In a deterministic (e.g. in a constant) environment, S will know everything after a moment. At least what it perceives of it through its sensors.
Or, conversely, S can be considered in a stable environment if its I are totally predictable.
Note that the formmula supposes that S, E and its two functions, cannot be modified by other ways. It that would happen, we would have another S.
If the functions change according to time, according to stable laws, they changing part could probably transferred to E
The set of whole connected automata.
Leads to complexity throug measure of the content of E.
A key issue: what is "different". Kolmogorov. Which language ? The shortest program
About complexity. Material objects are said "continuous" and "infinitely complex". Then no finite machine could ever represent or reproduce them. And the Kolmogogov definition cannot apply. But actually, we never deal with this complexity. It is always filtered, averaged, convolved in order to make action possible. And to we can actually reproduce this. If we remain in the domain of digital objects, the problem is to factorize the description or generation of a physical object into a pair functions:
- a formal set of algorithms, representing the "pertinent" matter,
- a random generator, which can be material (CERN) or algorithmic (pseudo-random) of generating enough bits so that the product matches the modeled object, be it observed or created.
Then "matter" exists only a a finite set of equivalent things. The quotient S by the equivalence relations. E.g;. Texture.
Augmenting the number of bits, but also their equiprobability. If bits are not equiprobable, you can compress
- without loss if bits are determined by other ones
- with loss if probability only . Notion of equivalent description.
Augmenting the number of bits is less important than an evolution of the syntagmatic structure
Autonomous beings find meaning in themselves. They have representation of themselves.
L for liberty
Briefly (see more in DU_L), L is the total of liberty (neguentropy) at the successive moments of life, weighed by the probaility to exist at that time.
This formula which implies a double digitization :
- in time, which is sliced into successive instants (which a prirori will be considered as a forme of sampling)
- in states i, to conform to the energy/information formalisms.
could perhaps be formulated in continuous funtions, but we have only the digital one, :
MTBFSemiotic formalizations
Unfortunately in praticte limited to linguistics, with some extensions to other domains, but not down to
Laws of nature, like Maupertuis
By a sort of symmetry with the Maupertuises Principle of Least Action (PLA). Though such a proposal may seem over-ambitious, we think it can help to understand the present situation and project us into the future.
Synchonic with cycles.
The oscilloscope synthesis
Autonomy as a function of size
Hypothetical principle, to ascertain or to be qualified, e.g. into types: Autonomy grows with the size of the being (material or binary, complexity) grows. Somehow, autonomy is just another name for complexity. Examples:
- basic: a heavier object is less influenced by others than ligher ones (f = m1*m2/d, gamma = f/m).
- computer files on modern operating systems include a header, which includes the file type (for decoding purposes by an appropriate software) as well as various features, notably size.
- complex objects tend to include a clock, which is a permanent and autonomous device, able to put in movement any digital system.
- a larger brain requires a larger body (under conditions
MTBF laws
The bathtub curve
Resonance laws
Basically (see Wikipedia [35]) , resonance is driven according to a formula of the form: a/ ((d2 + c), where a is a scaling parameter, d is the difference between two frequencies : the external energy source and the resonator's specific frequency. And c a damping factor. When c is large, the peak is flattened (the resonator is lazy, but responds to a wide range of moving energies). When c is small, the peak is pointed (the esonator is sensitive only to frequencies similar to its own, but then can accumulate energy. In the limited case where c is null, the peak would reach infinity.
Somrhow, the ecstatic point is there. The "nada" is in the resistance. What exactly is the resonance ? Of no interest if just a defined frequency. But thre I must not stick to the frequentialist aspect. A mathematical definition of mystics and theology.
In digital systems, distance may be null (e.g. Hammer) the resistance is the processor cycle ? What in terms of neurosciences.
And philosophically, the free act of Sartre or the homo ludens, of 2100.
"distance" can be taken as a position. that could be extended in a multidimensional space. Possibily the {0,1}infinite.
null distance is easy if you have just one bit. more rare if you have a lot of, a large space;
Is man alone able to reach this null distance, and mystique? Why not animals, and robots ?
The uncanny peak, generally
as a law...and principle of action, of course.
Evolution, darwinism
Of course, the more we progress in history, the more "volontary" are the laws. A reflexive consequence of the PAM itself
How far can these laws be extented to the future, and give base to forecasting ?
to day as the frontier between past and future
Become what you are. Know yourself.
Becom what you will