The principle can be observed in the evolution of the world, the emergence of life, the evolution of species, the emergence of signs.
It can also be observed in the evolution of human productions, notably tools, machines, languages and political structures.
- Machine types evolve according to laws (Simondon), independently (at least partly) of human needs, but under pressure by the market (Christensen).
You can observe a succession of continuous/discrete evolutions, like a sort of manifold.
PAM is essentially a dynamics.
History is oriented. On this point I am "modern". History will not stop. There is a line. But that is not in contradiction with trees and even rhizomes.
The determinism paradox: we are obliged to decide.
Life "invents" a lot of things that will be re-invented by humans later. ADN, ARN. See Ludwig.
A unique code for all living beings.
Symbolization, walls (membranes), division of labor between cells.
Swim, walk, fly
Neural system
- 4G Life
Communication between plants, animals, symbiosis
Flowers, scents, urina, camouflage. Love parades and submission rituals.
Messenger enzymes
- 100 M Man. Articulated language
- 1700 Hammurabi Stele. Language, law division into articles
Antiquity. De partibus animalium Aristotle mixed government
- 1200. Ten commandments
- 600
Gn 1. God separes. Gods says..
The greek alphabet.
- An important step was the invention of money, by the Greeks. See Sartre. At first sight, it is just the application of a guaranty seal on a piece of gold. But, since the origin, the seal creates a distance between the objective value (quantity of gold) and its representation. That is presently ending in purely symbolical moneys (bitcoin).
The Greeks played here an important role, transforming the Phaenician alphabet to encode the vowels, and so freeing completely language from the necessity of a human "reader".
Extreme stability of the alphabets since then.
Ideas of freedom an democracy.
- 700 The Bible (Gn 1)
Democrites atomism
The wheel. Cycles. First machines. Mills
The Egyptian writing from hierobglyps to cursive.
Xt. Union Paul.
100 St Jonh. In principio erat verbum. But the Word has not been accdepted in the World.
- Law is a typical example. The letter against the spirit. Codex justinianus. Law, but also cutting into pages.
Middle-Ages. The shcolastic distinguo Louis IX synthesis. Summa theologica.
End of middle ages, laicity. Petrarca and Dante.
Replacement of the heavy oncial and gothic writing with more cursive writing. Related to the high demand from universities (instead of monasteries).
Renaissance. Divide anc conquer.
Descartes 2d principle
Language innovations with Descartes and Leibniz (Serfati).
1648. Treaty of Wesfphalia. Separation geographically, but reinforcing union religion/state
1748. Separation of powers Montesquieu
1789. French revolution.
Adam Smith division of labor.
17-19th centuries. Chemical analysis
1648. Treaty of Westphalia; Cujus regio, ejus religio
1800. Napoleon's Civil Code
Steam engine
Hegel's thesis/antithesis/synthesis.
Saussurean structuralism.
1905. France separation or Church and State
1906. Picasso Demoiselles d'Avignon.
1917 ? SDN
1947. The bit And, of course, the digital world. - A major step was the transition to binary coding , with an apex date in 1947 with the word "bit" (popularized by Shannon).
The Von Neumann text.
Atomic fission nuclear bombs and energy facilities.
Genome structure
1985. Computer viruses
1990 For instance (dates back to the 1990's), client/server architecture. Analysis/synthesis methods
2000 Multicore.
2014. Boson de Higgs
Genome decoding speed.