ca Digital Creation Critical ANalysis. Beheviour. Brush.

| A | B | D | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z| Index



CAC Frank Popper . A museum and art center in Burgundy.

Cacaly Serge
< Image et vidéodisque. Serge Cacaly ed. La documentation française 1988.

France Cadet: Robot mon amour.

Cade Computers in Art and Design Education. Does'nt seem active since 2001.

Cadet France. Robot art, mainly with computer driven small objects or animals.
> Cyber Pin Up (2017)
> Cyberleçon (2013).
> Robot mon amour (2013). Interactive photograph.,video. Cyborg #11, Cyborg #12, Cyborg #9 . Prints.
> Anatomies (2010). Serigraphic printings to be strectched.
> Gaude Mihi (2008). Interactive robot.
> Boites à mmh (2008). Inspired by "Meuh boxes". Upside down sextoys.
> Dog[lab]01 (2004). A collection of dogs (i-Cybie, not Aibo) "genetically modified" [Moulon] p.41-42 with one photo.
> Puzzles (2001). Jigsaw puzzles of dancing girls body parts.

Cadioli Marco (aka Marco Manray) "Photographer in virtual worlds"
> Marco Manray (2005)

Cadon Benjamin Works on the Big Bang. The website is difficutl to be used.

Cadoz Claude
< Les réalités virtuelles. Flammarion 1994.

Caen (Normandie, France). See our geography.

Cage in full action at EEACC

Cage John Music player and composer. See the Brahms base page. Cited by [Baudouin].
- Takes part in 9 Evenings, Theater and Engineering (1966, see EAT).
> HPSCHD (1969). With Lejaren Hiller. Score for "7 harpsichords playing randomly-processed music by Mozart and other composers, 51 tapes of computer-generated sounds, approximatily 5,000 slides of abstract designs and space exploration and several films". Cited by [Dixon 2007].
- The Paul Collaer (1965) standpoint. Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 35, 58.
< 273 Relics for John Cage (A likeness is an aid to memory), by Paul Soulellis. Soulellis 2011-2012. (Bought at a shop for Artists books in NY, Oct. 2012).
> Dream Houses (1963 and after). with Marian Zazeela. "sound and light environments, total sensorial installations, places for spiritual experiences... questioning time and space simultaneously"
(from [Leloup, 2013]).
> Imaginary Landscape no 4 (1951). Quoted by [Leloup, 2013] as a precursor moment of ambient music.
> Variations III no 16(1992). Non digital generative art: traces of fire and smoke on paper.

Cagol Stefano
> Diary Project 01 (20001). web project, New York, USA

Cahen Olivier
< L'image en relief, du film au numérique. Presses de l'Ecole des Mines 1999.

Cahen Robert
> Tombe avec les mots (2000). "some words falling slowly towards the bottom of a large blue video screen". Couchot 2003 (our translation)

Cahen Roland. Writer, music composer, stage director and electro-acoustic music interpreter..
> Le jardin des amours (2011). He makes the musical part. Commented by Aziozmanoff 2015.
> Tournez sons (2005) - [Aziosmanoff] contains ten pages about this work.

Cahill Thaddeus. Wikipedia.
> Dynamophone (1906) the first electro-acoustic instrument.

Caillaud Bernard
< La création numérique visuelle: aspects du computer art depuis ses origines. Europia 2001.

Caïman Productions. Company founded 2002 by Jérôme Barthélemy and Daniel Sauvage. Produces short films, in particular animation. An article in Movie Création, Sept./Oct. 2010.

Caillaud Bernard . Web page. More a color theorist than an artist. Nevertheless, he is studied as an artist, along 22 pages, by [Sobieszcsansky].
< La création numérique visuelle. Aspects du computer art depuis ses origines, by Bernard Caillaud. Europia. A large book with many images.

Calatrava Santiago. Architect. Quoted by Terracol with picture for Möbius surfaces.
> Bach de Roda Bridge (1987). Webpage.

Calc (c a l c)
> communimage (1999), by c a l c and Johannes Gees.

Callet Patrick Former Afig president. Interview AH No 03
< Couleur-lumière, couleur-matière, by Patrick Callet. Diderot Arts et Sciences (out of stock).
- See the part he wrote in the Risset report.

Calliope. See Albert Ducrocq.

Calos  Nino. Light art. [Popper 1] p. 103  

Calteux Claude
< L'ordinateur chef d'orchestre
. Marabout 1998.

Calvacréation. Group founded in 2001 by Sabrina Montiel-Soto and Fabrice Croizé.
> Lago Negro (2008). Multimedia installation denouncing ecological degradations of Maracaraibo lake. [Moulon] p.96-97 with a picture.

Christian de Cambiaire. One of the first French algorists

de Cambiaire Christian. Page Facebook.
- A member of “Les Algoristes” Still creative, after some 50 years of production.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 64.

Camburet Lionel. A member of Gigacircus.

Cameron Andy
< The art of experimental interaction design. by Andy Cameron. IDN 2004. An introduction and the presentation of some dozens of works.
> Anti-ROM (1995 c.). A collaborative project, within SASS: Andy Cameron, Rob Le Quesne, Sophie Pendrell, Luke Pendrell, Andy Polaine, Tomas Roope and Joe Stephenson. Quoted with a picture in [Vroege]

Cameron James. Film director.
> Avatar (2010). See the film.
. As a transmedia work, multiple quotations in [Rose].
."The 3D version produced by James Cameron, combined with the present economical crisis, takes us to see Titanic with new eyes. And gives new depths to the mad dream of the producer". A two pages story, signed Frédéric Strauss, in Télérama, 4/4/2012. . Three pages ( tabloid format) for an interview of James Cameron about the 3D version of Titanic, signed by Samuel Blumenfeld in Le Monde (Culture et idées), 4/3/2012.
> Terminator (1984).

Campbell Andy
> The Rut. An hypermediatic work. Somehow online.

Campbell Jim. Photographer using LED's.
> Library (2003). Installation with leds. Quoted by [Moulon] p.49-50 with a picture.
> Avenue cutaway #2?  2001. Modified photo [Paul].
> Photo of my mother (1996) [Wands]. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, may-june-july 2013
> Photo of my father (1994) until 1995 Special photographs on glass [Wands].
> Hallucination  (1988) until 1990. Interaction [Paul].

Campbell John
> Temporal distorsion
, (2002). Inkjet print [Wands].

Campbell Kurt. Typography. and sculpture.
> Boxing Ghosts (2015). Solo exhibition. Augmented Reality Art in conversation with the District Six Museum Archive
> Caggen (2000). Font .

Campeaux Stéphanie
Book of Creation. Hiver 2011/2012. Website.
- More in French.

Campus Peter
> More (1994), [Paul], with a picture.
- Couchot 2003.

Canada. See our geography.

Canali Mario. Painting and interactive systems.
> Ritmi (1997). Interactive installation.

Candela Felix. Architect. Wikipedia.
> Iglesia de San Jose Obrero (1959). Quoted by Terracol with picture, for his use of hyperbolic paraboloids. Terracol gives also picturess of two other buildings.

Candy Michael. Kinetic installations.
> Big Dipper (2015). Comments about Prix Cube 2016.

Cani Marie-Paule
Professor and researcher, Inrialpes.
- In 2015, professor at College de France. "Façonner l'imaginaire: de la création 3D aux mondes virtuels animés". Our interview wih Marie-Paule (in French).

Canogar Daniel. Bitforms gallery, New York.
> Sikka, 2012.
> Palimpsesto (2008). 6pages with pictures in in [Algora].
> Digital Hide (2000) [Paul].
> Horror vacui (1999) (photo) [Paul].

Canon. Manufacturer of a lot of electronic devices.

Rejane Cantoni: Hyper-apple.

Cante Nicolas
- (as an example) Program in October 2010 and comments in the communiqué.
> Mekanik Kantatik (2008). In 2011, Concert for the Gaïté lyrique opening.

Canto Siegfried. Multimedia. Public space interventions, projections on building..
> Les locataires (2011). Projection on a building in Saint-Brieuc (Brittani, France) for ArtRock.
> A mains nues (2011).
> Tu penses donc je te suis (2000). with Magali Desbazeille. Interactive installation. [Moulon] p. 11.

Cantoni Rejane Human-machine interfaces, science and technology, virtual reality, cyberspace, semiotics.
- Around 2012, she presented superb animated home page, evoking Tinguely, in a more positive poetic mood. No longer online in June 2017.
- Assistant professor at Catholic pontifical university of Sao Paulo.
> Hyper-apple (2010 c.)

Cantrill Arthur and Cantrill Corinne. Wikipedia. Filmmakers, academics, composers and authors. They have worked in children's educational film, experimental 16mm shorts, multiple projection films, feature length experimental film, kinetic film and performance film, which they labelled 'expanded > Henri Gaudier-Brzeska (1968).

Cantz Hatje. CyberArts2004. Ars Electonica 2004.

Cao Yuxi (James). Cao Yuxi(James)is an artist and coder based in New York City who defines himself as an idealist trying to redeem his pledge under the social pragmatism pressure. Cao Yuxi designs, collaborates and consults on projects across the spectrum of sound-visualisation, programming and computing. His innovative approach of creating art and incorporating technology has enabled Cao Yuxi to generate and shape numerous design projects including space design, new media art installation and public art in both China and the US. (According to Artjaws).

Capozzo Alessandro. Generative painting. Abstract Codex page.
> Relations environment (2004). added to exhibition


Capture. "Rock group" made of several computers.
- See [Berger-Lioret] p. 61. It is presented on Grégory Chatonsky website, including a sound track. It is a collective work by Olivier Alary, Jacopo Baboni Schillingi, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Crystelle Bédard, Grérogy Chatonsky and DFominique Sirois. Co-production : Arcadi, on partnership with Citu and Digitalarti, Cap Digital, and a participation of Dicream.
- More in French.

Carassou-Maillan Marion. Visual conceptor. See Trajectoires AV.

Caravella Elisabeth
> How To (2014). A mock tutorial about 3D software, a very original work of art (perhaps a little too long).
> Chaise (2009).

Carbone Mauro
< Vivre par(mi) les écrans, by Mauro Carbone, Anna Caterina Dalmasso and Jacopo Bodini (ed.). Les presses du réel, 2016.

Cardini Marco. Presentation in ACM Siggraph Educational Committee.
> PAGe MMM (1990c.). "a program which allows the realization of visual/sound digital works of art executed in realtime under the control of the gesture of the performer". (See Argenia page).

Carelman Jacques. (+ 2012). A member of Oupeinpo.

Carion Stéphane. An associate of Fabric|ch group.

Carlotto Andrea. Aka Lòtzio "Musician of images, likes playing with sounds and images, perception and thoughts. in order.. to a sly smile on human's things".
> Lux. Alza gli occhi (Raise your eyes). (2013).

Carmignac Charles. Musician. According to Artjaws Musician in the Franco-American folk group Moriarty since 1995, Charles Carmignac develops enigma writing in parallel. After an exploration of invisible languages, he initiates a series of neons, “The Infidel Mirrors”, which invites to pass on the other side of the word. Born in 1978 – Lives and works in Paris.

Carney Ben F.
> Racines… (2010). (speaking garden) Collaboration with Gwenn-Ael Lynn.
> Non manifold mandible (2010 c.).

Carniaux Pierre . Cinema director.
> Last Room / Dépli (2013). From the footage he shot in Japan, director Pierre Carniaux teamed up with artist Thierry Fournier to create together a diptych, composed of the film Last Room and the interactive artwork Dépli. This project proposes a new form of cinematographic writing that engages the viewer’s gaze, status, and

Caro Marc. Somewhere between computer and video. [Lioret] p. 95. Comments in [Couchot 2003] p.43.
> Maître-cube (1985).

Caro-Dambreville Stéphane His page at University of Burgundy (France).
- His HDR report , about digital documents writing: towards a cyber-rhetoric.

Caron Louis-Paul

Louis-Paul Caron Né en 1995, formé à l'école Boulle, aux Arts déco à Paris et à l'Académie de design d'Eindhoven aux Pays-Bas, Louis-Paul Caron a développé avec la peinture numérique un style personnel, original, d'une grande élégance, marqué par sa connaissance de l'histoire de l'art.

Carpenter J.C. Founder of Luckysoap.
> Notes on the Voyage of Owl and Girl (2013). Computer generated fiction. Performed during the Chercher le texte festival (2013)

Carpenter Loren. Mainly a scientist.
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith. The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence, according to [Masson].
> Vol Libre (1980), a "fractal extravaganza" presented at Siggraph, according to [Masson].
> Vol libre . 1980. Computer animated landscape.

Carré Bastien. Artist, lumigraphy.

Cartoon Movie. Animation film form. Managed by Marc Vandeweyer. See Créanum (April-May 2011, no longer on line).

Casanova Christina.
> Let's tell lies (1999). A recreational CD-Rom. See Let's tell Lies. See [Murray 2008 ]. Privileges burlesque and mime.

Casas Niccolo. Architect
> Synapse Dress (2014), by Anouk Wipprecht, in collaboration with Nicola Casas and Intel. Sensors and an EEG set controls lights integrated in the dress. In cas of strong emotion, a hidden camera stores an image of the environment.

Cascone Kim. Musician. Wikipedia!: " In academic writing, Cascone is known for his paper The Aesthetics of Failure:'Post-Digital' Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music which outlined the use of digital glitches and systemic failure in the creation of post-digital and laptop music".

Hugo Caselles-Dupré . A founding member of Obvious.

Cassagnau Pascale. Manager " fonds audiovisuels et nouveaux médias" at Centre national des arts plastiques.
< Future Amnesia. Enquête sur un troisième cinéma. by Pascale Casagnau. Isthme Editions, 2010 c. An essay.

Cassen Jackie
> Circles (1969). A kinetic composition by Jackie Cassen and Rudi Stern at Théâtre de lumière in New York. Three pages in [Youngblood] with photos.

Minh Cuong Castaing Eric. See Shonen.

Castaing Eric Minh Cuong. See Shonen.

Castanet Pierre Albert Musicologist.
-< Derniers échos de l'Harmonie des mondes, his preface of [Pottier]. With a beautiful collection of quotations about computing and music.

Castel Louis-Bertrand. . Wikipedia.
- Worked on light. He designed a light organon, but probably did not realized it See [ Popper1 ], [ Popper 2].
> Light organon (1700 c.).

Maria Castellanos: The Prosthetic Look

Castellanos Maria  Fashion
> The Prosthetic Look (2016)
> Symbiotic Interaction (2016, 17), by Maria Castellanos and Alberto Valverde. A garment carry tiny plants that monitors the surroundings and inform the wearer about "everything around".

Castellin Philippe. Poet and graphic artist. With frequently a very slow temporality in his animations. [Bootz].
> Lectures numériques (2013). Performance with Jean Torregrosa during the Chercher le texte festival (2013).
> Mains (1995). Each verse is drawn slowly. The words are formed as a continuous line, as if the poem was writing itself, in real time.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 53.

Castellucci Romeo. Theater/video.
- More in French.

Castera Valérie. Treasurer of Art sensitif association.

Castet Julien. Interaction. Président des Morphogénistes.
> Incubaction (2005)


Castillo Marco (not on the WEb)
> Troublelight (2015Ccastonguay
Castonguay. LED's on a bicycle's wheel.

Castonguay Alexandre

- Interactive installation, 2005. Projecting on the valls video of the visitors.
- Agit P.O.V. Libre (2013), (Petit Objet de Vélo) by Alexandre Castonguay, kine(ic installation. Using LED and bicycle wheels. Derisive, fun. (Cheap). This kind of work is commercially available as "Monkey Lights", from a cooperation between Monkeylectric and Holland Bikes (Le Mode, 20/12/2013). - Artengine page. Interaction.
> Tafel (2009)
> Dessin par numéros (2007).

Catala Antoine. Installations. Lyon's biennal page.
> Il était une fois… (2013).

Catmull Edwin. Pixar president Wikipedia.
< Creativity, Inc. Overcoing the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. By Ed Catmull, with Amy Wallace. Random House, New York, 2014. His life and works.
> Toy Story among a lot.
- The December 2010 issue of CACM (Communications of the l'ACM) contains a 7 pages interview. The key assertion (from a research standpoint) : "We believed that achieving the appearance of reality was a great technnical goal - not because we were trying to emulate reality, but because doing it is so hard it would drive us forward. That is, in fact, what happened. We finally reached the point where we can create convincingly realistic images. Reality was a great goal for a while. Now we have non-photo-realistic rendering goals and other things like that that have supplemented.
> Halftone Animation 1972. with Frederick Parke. Images in [Dreher]

Catts Oron. Founder of The Tissue Culture & Art Project group. See Symbiotica.

Caussé René. Team leader, "Acoustique instrumentale", Ircam.

Cavalheiro Abilio.
> Sintext (1992) by Pedro Barbosa and Abílio Cavalheiro .
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 162.

Cavanagh Annie. With David McCarthy. Enhanced micrographic photography. Since the 1970's.
> Award at Wellcome images. 2012.

Cavazza Marc.
< Virtual storytelling. 4th ICVS, Saint-Malo. Marc Cavazza and Stéphane Donikian (eds). Springer 2007.

CAVS. Center for advanced visual studies. Created in 1967. See MIT.

Cayla Emmanuel. Founder of Cetoine company (ended circa 2015).
- Use of algorithms (mainly fractals), in textile design.
- More in French.

Cayley John. Poet. [Bootz].
> Writing to be Found (2013). Perfomance presented during the Chercher le texte festival (2013).
> Wine Flying (1992) on Macintosh, programmed with Hypercard (an Apple software, now discarded). The words appear progressively, that giving more expressive strength to the text. Cazin

Marie-Laure Cazin: théâtre et vidéo

Cazin Marie-Laure.
> Le cinéma émotif (2013). See our post.
> Les crises magnétiques (2011), interactive cine-theater spectacles, with two actors on stage and two screens. By Marie-Laure Cazin, with Caroline Ducey and François Godard (on stage), Sandrine Châtelain, François Godard, Laurent Peti and Bruno Tuchszer (on screen).
> Tarentelle (2009). Her first living cinema. The sound band of the film is played on stage by the interpreters and interacts real time with the film.
- On line documentation on the Chartreuse CNES blog.
- More in French.

CCC. Chaos Computer Club
> Blinkenlights in Chaos (2001) quoted by [Lieser] with pictures

CDA. Centre des arts d'Enghien. Very active. Organizes every year the Bains Numériques (Digital Bath).

CCMX. Centre de composition musicale Iannis Xenakis. (Iannis Xenakis center for musical composition).

CCRMA. Center for computer research in music and acoustics. University of Stanford (California).

CDC. Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University.

La Cellule. Multimedia group. Years 2000'.

CECN. Centre des écritures contemporaines et numériques (Center of the digital contemporary writings).
- The program of CECN for the first months of 2012.
- More in French.

Cedric. Centre d'études et de recheche en informatique et communications. Within Cnam (Paris).
> Plug. Computer mediation project, aiming to young audiences.

Centre-Val-de Loire (a French region). See our "geographical guide".

Centre des Arts. See Enghien-les-Bains.

Cetoine A company founded by Emmmanuel Cayla and Evelyne Lutton. Closed circa 2012.

Chabaneau Ivan
> Icare (1997). At CICV. Quoted by Codognet. A web version uses VRML.

Chabert Jacques-Elie.
> Vertiges (1984). Interactive fiction, on screen with multiple choices [Forest 2].

Chabot Clyde. Stage designer, founder of Communauté inavouable . See Inavouable.
- The Communauté inavouable, created in 1992, is an experimental theatre company. The performances bring into play the relationships between performers, audience, author, technicians and director. They are works seen as an ongoing process, pursuing one another from one step to the other, from one project to the other. The national and international company’s work is multi-disciplinary (theatre, dance, video, music, digital arts). It relies on contemporary authors’ texts or on Clyde Chabot’s". (from their website).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 95.

Chabrier Rodolphe.
< Cinq amis dans le vent. Communication at the symposium Le futur a un passé (2011): "How five students meet on week-ends around the first French turnkey 3D systems, graciously lent by the manufacturer. Their encounter with Philippe Starck and Jean-Baptiste Mondiano, and the foundation of MacGuff".

Chacron J.
< Trois méthodes mathématiques en peinture ou en poésie. (Editions scientifiques de l'art, 52 rue Cozette, 80000 Amiens. Circa 2009). Looks a little too simple.

Chafe Chris (and Greg Niemeyer) [Paul].
> Ping
  (2001) (virtual reality).

Chalayan Hussein. Fashion designer and stylist.
- [Quinn] writes: Hussein Chalayan was one of the first fashion designers to engage with technological systems and may of this collections have pioneered garmments taht feature wireless technoo
- Exposition in the Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris, July-November 2011.

Fabien Chalon piece at Gare du Nord

Chalon Fabien. Animated works, combining light, moves, smoke, sound, sometimes video. The works are mechanically complex, and tell repetitively a story.
> works at Art Elysées 2016, Art Paris 2017 (at Olivier Waltman's).
> A large work (some 5 meters high) was operating in Gare du Nord (Paris) around 2011, but was stopped afterwards, due to works in the station.
- In 2011, several works at Maison européenne de la photo (Paris).



Mathieu Chamagne : Apertures

Chamagne Mathieu Interaction
> Apertures (2015)
> Franz K (2001)





Françoise Chambefort : Lucette, Clichy Train Station.

Chambefort Françoise. Researcher-Artist. Elliadd, Franche-Comté University.
- Mise en oeuvre d'une démarche de recherche-création dans un doctorat en SIC portant sur l'art numérique. (2016). "Our research aims to explore the narrative potentialities of generative art works based upon data flows". Web page
> Lucette, Clichy Train Station (2015C).


Champagne-Ardenne. A former French region, now included in . See our Grand Est region.

Champion Dominique
- At Noëlle Aleyne gallery, in November-December 2011. An attempt to go further with Photoshop. The inspiration remains realist, but with efficient results. .

Chan. Artist (graphic art) and teacher at Paris 8 University.

Chan Paul.
> Installation 1st Light (2006) in the Whitney 2006 biennal. [Murray] quotes Jonanna Burton "a post-9/11 version of the Rapture... Chan invokes religion as he speculates on the mechanisms of faith and belief".
> My birds... trash... the future (2004), in the collections of Moma (NY).

Chanal Marc.
CST, electronic image department.

Chanel David. Painter. A member of BK Digital Art Company Théoriz group.
> Hybrid Love (2015) I, II and III. with Pya Myrvold . Dancing robots with fancy dressing.

Chang Isabel. New media artist. For example:
> Virtual Makeovers for the Post-Identity Cyborg

Chang Young-Gyu. Music composer. One of his woks accompanies Méditation , by Yang Min-Ha.

Chang Young Hae . Web art.
> His website (presently in Korean).

Chanhthboutdy Somphout (Artinoy)
> Interactive Vanity 3.5 (2015)

Le Chaplin . Multimedia cultural institution, in Mantes (Le Val fourré, Ile-de-France ). Led by Pierre Kueny

Chapon Léa. A member of Müesli studio, with Mytil Ducornet. Typography, textures.

Chapoulie Jean-Marc. Web art
> Monsieur Google, à qui appartient la réalité (2014) Quoted with a picture by [artpress 2015].


Character animation software. See Paris ACM Siggraph page. See also common names.

Charbonnel Charlotte. Any medias, and sometimes interaction. Generally not technically sophisticated.
> Stetospheres (2010). A series of plastic spheres, with micros inside. The public is invited to handle them and listen.

Chardronnet Ewen Bureau D’études Journalist, research.

Charles Bertrand. A member of RYbN group.

Galerie Charlot in Paris 3e and Tel-Aviv. Led by Valérie Hasson-Benillonche. "A digital art work, you live with", says she.
The gallery was created by Valérie Hasson-Benillouche in 2010 in order to promote innovative contemporary art practices. It focuses on the relation between art, technology and science in the post-digital world.
The gallery's yearly schedule is punctuated by conferences, round table discussions, performances and presentations on contemporary art and technology.
- Our posts and references. and also:
- 2017 Beyond the Lines: Vernhes and Mohr
- 2017 Kac: Inner Telescope
- 2016 Misha argolis
- 2015 Flavien Théry  
- 2015 Valerie Hasson-Benillouche
- 2013, Spring. Zajega (we comment).
- 2012/09. Will Thomas Israel go generative ?
- 2012 Zajéga . Generative art in quest of nimbleness.
- 2012 Jacques Perconte. Non-photorealistic video.
- 2012 Art Karlsruhe. French artists alone on the digital domain (mainly due to Galerie Charlot)
- 2012 (Spring) Anne-Sarah Le Meur A moment of grace.
- 2012 Hugo Verlinde: Dymanic image mapping upon a sculpture.

Charnock Nigel. Performance. Critic of the use of technology.
> Fever (2001). Cited with a picture by [Reichle 2009], and by ([Dixon 2007].


Charrier Sophie. Artist et paedagy researcher.
- New website and projects in 2016
- Interview AH No115.
- Big bang faërie AH No66 (actu).
- Website " L'e-livre théâtre animé", light fairy and scriptural fantasmagory, in Big bang art inner mouvement.
- Personal website Cybermonde poétique théâtre , towards a new theater language.

La Chartreuse. Centre national des écritures du spectacle (National center of spectacle writing) Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France.

Gregory Chatonsky: Capture (image from Dititalarti).

Chatonsky Gregory. See special notice.
- Our posts and references.

Chaurand Philippe. Engineer and software developer. See Iduun.

Chauvier Eric. Anthropologist and writer, oriented towards the digital. See French notice.

Chavez Mark. Assistant Professor, School of Art, Design and Media,  Nanyang University. His web page.

Chawla Symrin . UCLA page . Media arts
> Data Burial (2017) by David Ertel and and Symrin Chawla

chdh. Group founded 2000 by Cyrille Henry and Damien Henry, the latter replaced afterwards by Nicolas Mongermont. Audio-visual performance.
> Vivarium (2008). Quoted by [Moulon] p. 24-25 with a picture of the work.

Cheang Shu Lea and others: UKI, a viral game.

Cheang Shu Lea. Wikipedia.
- "A nomadic artist, presently (Spring 2010) Paris based, Shu Lea Cheang works along several facets (art, activism, sex, identity, science-fiction...) at the crossroads between disciplines (performance, Internet...) of the Cyberpunk porno film". (says Anne Laforet, MCD, July-August 2010, our translation). > UKI (2009), viral game. web page. In collaboration with Jara Rocha, Massimo Avvisati, Martin Howse, Martin Hug and Maca Moreno. See Laboral Centro de Arte page.
> Burn (2003), with yippiyearh Design and Roger Sennert. "Une interface décorative qui suggère une relation créative et impertinente entre le piratage et le mixing", says [Greene].
> I.K.U. (2000) A pornographic film: "An attractive machine, called Reiko, gathers a maximum of data bout sexual acts. The data are lost, due to a virus, and the machine is to be restarted by a retired programmer, then rebooted in the cyberspace in order to find the data back. With is extended expertise, the mutant machine sends the spectators hearts flying in a exhilaratating pornographic digital vertigo". > BRANDON (1998).
> Buy One Get One (1997). [Greene] p. 107.

Chedburn James Games
> Torn City (2004)

Chemical_Brothers. "Electronica" music. Description of their work and instruments in [Moorefield] p. 99-103.

Chen Chu-Yin. Artist. Professor at Paris 8 University.
> Robody, 2023 > Digital art posterity, building a data model for digital art corpora. See 2017 symposium.
> Ephémère (1997). "Artificial creatures, half-flower, half-animalcules, in an aquatic environment". [Couchot 2] (our translation).
< Systèmes autonomes en création artistique numérique: la vie artificielle: développement génétique et comportement de créatures virtuelles en environnement évolutif. PhD thesis directed by Michel Bret. 2003.

Cheng Adrian. He "founded the brand K11 in 2008 with a focus on three core values, Art, People and Nature. He then founded the K11 Art Foundation in 2010 and built two art villages in Wuhan that serve as an incubating springboard to groom young emerging contemporary Chinese artist and educate the mass about art.

Chenin Mathilde.
> Groupe de recherche en homéopathie binaurale (2013-2014), with Thomas Bethmont. Experimental music.

Chercher le texte. Festival in Paris, 2013, organized by Philippe Bootz and the ELO. The press kit.

Chercheurs de sons. Experimental instrument making.

Miguel Chevalier. Second Nature (2010), from Keza Gallery.,

Chesnais Alain. Personal homepage.
- Former ACM President.(2011-2012)
- Was a long time leader of ACM Siggraph Paris chapter.
< Le rendu à la française. Intervention at the Le futur a un passé symposium (2011).
- In the Communications of the ACM, Oct. 2010, he signs an editorial, entitled "ACM is built on volunteer's shoulders".

Chevalier Miguel Elegant works, in 2D. Chevalier specific strength is his capacity of truly adding artistic dimension to the technical skills of other individual or team programmers.
- Our posts and references.
Among the cooperation he could so develop: Cirad (for plan development), Music2Eye, Cyrille Henry, Eric Wenger.
> Extra-Natural (2018).
> Generative Gardens (2017) See the post.
> Pixels wave (2017). See the post.

Miguel Chevalier in Saint-Eustache

> Voûtes Célestes (2016) at Saint-Eustache church
> The Origin of the World (2013c.). Music by Jacopo Baboni-Schillingi.
> Body Voxels and The Thinker (2013c.) shown at Show Off 2013.
- Taking part in Turbulences II, 2013 à Villa Empain Bruxelles).
- At last an art?
- Beautiful pictures of his Digital Arabesques exposition in Abu-Dhabi (end of 2011).
> Mighel Chevalier, a book, Monografik Editions.

Chevalier: - Body Voxels and The Thinker at Show Off 2013.

< Power Pixels, Aeroplano Editora 2011.
< Segunda Naturaleza 2009. Catalog of an exposition in Brasilia.
< Fractal Flowers. Catalog of an exposition at Imal (2009)
- Quoted by [Popper1] pp. 53 56 69 217, [Popper 2] 304-30, [Chirollet].
> Fractal Flowers (2008) [Moulon] p. 108-109 with photo. Projection on Enghien-les-Bains church, 2008. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
< Miguel Chevalier, by Miguel Chevalier and Others. Regis Glaas and Monographic Editions 2008.
> Sur-Natures, commented in [Lieser] with a picture
> RGB Land (2006) [Moulon] pp. 51-52 with photo.
> Surnature (2005). First presentation, Nuits blanches of Paris Sensor: an infrared camera.
< L'algorithme pixelisé. Janninck 2003.
> Metapolis (2001) et 2002  [Popper 2].
> Fractal Cloud (2000). [Popper 2], [Couchot 2003].
< Paysages artificiels. An artist book. Project Didier Mathier. Six Edition TUS. 50 copies.

Cheveu. Musician.
> Where do you come from (2012). Music (by Cheveu) , video, light, interaction (by YroYto). Article in Digital MCD.

Chevreul Eugène
< Traité du contraste simultané des couleurs, 1839. His theories about retina chemistry have influenced the pre-impressionists, impressionist and post-impressionists (pointillists). It seems that these results were for him rather deceptive. A beautiful animated web page.
- [Berger-Lioret] p. 26.

Chiang Chia-Chi.
< Shortened Body (2018C) , by Chia-Chi Chiang and Raphaël Isdant
- Takes part in an event in Utah (2015)
- Phd Thesis (2012) at Paris 8 University: Technologicial interfacec bodies: perfomance as body expeeriments lab.

Chiche Madeleine
> Retrouvez le groupedunes aux nuits électroniques de L'Ososphère - Strasbourg, ce vendredi 27 et samedi 28 septembre. Madeleine Chiche et Bernard Misrachi co-signent avec Thierry Danet, directeur du Festival L'Ososphère, la scénographie multimédia et lumière de La COOP au port du Rhin. Bouger les lignes de cette ancienne coopérative pour en révéler la masse et s'orienter dans les dédales musicaux et architecturaux… conception madeleine chiche bernard misrachi avec la participation de Nicolas Dantan et Lagoona et Jérémie, Sébastien et Josselin de AV Exciters data ingénieur sylvain delbart une production du groupedunes avec Quatre 4.0

Chiffot Jacky
> Sale Temps (1997) by Frank Dufour, Gilles Armanetti and Jacky Chiffot. A kind of photographic compositing like Chris Marker's film La Jetée. See Bootz.

Chiggio Ennio Encyclopédie Larousse. Kinetic art, member of Gruppo N.

Children of the Light
> Diapositive (2014C) Light play with lenses. Not very digital. See Vimeo,

Chin Adam
> Opera industriel (1986). by Adam Chin and Richard Cohen. One copy in Ina funds.

China. See our "geographical guide".

Chirollet Jean-Claude
< L'oeil digital de l'art. Les anachronismes numériques. Connaissances et savoirs, 2014.
< L'interprétation photograhique des arts. Histoire, technologie, esthétique. L'Harmattan 2013.
< L'art dématérialisé: reproduction numérique et argentique. Mardaga 2008.
< Art fractaliste. La complexité du regard. by Jean-Claude Chirollet. L'Harmattan 2005.
< Esthétique et technoscience: pour la culture techno-esthétique. Malaga 1994

Chloe U-Ram. Kinetic art. Represented by Bitforms gallery, New York.

Cho Hyun-Hwa. Music Composer.
> Eden Garden (2017), Immersive insallation, by Raphaël Thibault and Hyun-Hwa Cho.

Cho Peter. Artist and designer. San Francisco.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 78.

Chodzko Adam.
> Product Recall (1994). [Greene]. A wort about networks.

Cholain Camille. A poet on the web. Perhaps an anti-poet? His page in transfert.

Chomienne Estelle (aka Stellart). Deviant art page.
> Garden of Eden (2015C) Photoshop and tablet.

Chouvel Jean-Marc
< Analyse musicale. Sémiologie et cognition des formes temporelles. L'Harmattan 2006. The method and its application to a lot of scores, from Bach to Lévêque.

Chow Trina. Dance tools.
> Creating Dance with Life Forms (1994-1996)

Chowning John. Music composer and scientist. His page in the Brahms data base.
- He founded and was first manager of the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, at Stanford University. Presented at length in [Baudouin], notably pp. 46-49 and 195-220.

Christianity. See transmedia.

The Cinaxe, in Paris La Villette.

Christie. A manufacturer of projectors, mainly high performance models ( for example D4D35, resolution 4096x2160, 35 000 lumens).

Christofol Jean. Wrong spelling, see Cristofol.

Chuchu Jim. Multimedia. Painting.
> The Visitors (2013). Inkjet printing.
> All Oppression is connected (2013). . Mural poster.

Chu Kai. Painting
> Fabric Design System (before 1976). See an image of this and other work in the Recode project.

Chuck. Strongly-timed, Concurrent, and On-the-fly Audio Programming Language
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 185.

Chun Wendy Hui Kyong
< Programmed visions. Software and memory. by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun. MIT Press 2011.

CIAM. Centre interuniversitaire des arts médiatiques. Web page.


CICV. A center for creation, in Montbéliard (East of France).
. Judicial termination in 2004.

Cillari Sonia. D
> Se Mi Sei Vicino (2006-2007). Analyzed by [Kwastek] pp. 241-248, wih pictures.

Cinaxe. A visit in 1991 (in Club de l'Hypermonde).

Cinder. A C++ libraty for creative code. Created by Barbarian Group.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 168.

Cinderella. An animation film by Walt Disney (1950) and Pascal Herold (2012).

Cinema 4D. See Maxon.
- XForm is a plugin, to generate forms and objects.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 171.

Cinémathèque française. Directeur Serge Toubiana.

Cinti Laura. Bio art. She is co-founder and co-director of C-LAB,
> Nanomagnetic Plants (2012).
> Katered (2012).

Cirad. Research laboratory in Montpellier, France. Specialty: plant and plant growth modeling. Inspired Miguel Chevalier generative art.

Cirio Paolo. A member of Ubermorgen group. He "has worked in various fields: net-art, street-art, video-art, software-art and experimental fiction. He investigates perception and the creation of cultural, political and economic realities manipulated by modes of control over information's > Face to Facebook (2011) by Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio, the third work in a series that began with Google Will Eat Itself and Amazon Noir. A note in Random Magazine.
> Drowning NYC (2010). Webpage.
> Google Will Eat Itself (GWEI) (2005) Hacking Monopolism Trilogy Mixed media.

Cirque Electrique. Use video and electronics.
> Augmented Magic (2014).
> Steam (2012).

Cirque du soleil.
> Troika Ranch 16-[R]evolutions (1996). [Couchot 2003] p. 245. A multimedia fresco of human evolution.

Ciss Mansour. Aka Kanakassy. Multimedia, political. One page in [Dermineur].
> AFRO Change (2009) by Mansour Ciss and Baruch Gottlieb.

Citron Jack. Engineer and scientist by IBM. He worked with John Whitney and wrote the GRAF program for the graphic workstation IBM 2250.


Citu (not the original site) Laboratory (Création Interactive Transdisciplinaire Universitaire). Former artistic leader Maurice Benayoun.
- In 2011, takes part in the financing of the robotic rock group Capture.

Clair Obscur: Hermself.

Le clair obscur. Dance company.
> Soft Love (2017). See a long interview of the author, Frédéric Deslis in Digitalarti
> G0L4M (2014) Performance and video. Director Frédéric Deslias. See page.
> Sleeping Beauty (2013). A complex show and presentation. See the PDF
> Hermself (2010).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 95.

C-Lab. "An art collective and organization that engages with critical and contemporary amalgamations of art, science and technology. Headed up by London-based artists, Howard Boland and Laura Cinti, it focuses on artistic explorations of meaning and idiosyncrasies involving life both organic and...

Clarke Andy
< Videogames and Art. Edited by Candy Clarke and Grethe Mitchell. Intellect, Bristol, 2007.

Clarke Kevin. Bio-art. According to [Reichle 2009] he produces "conceptual genetic portraits" by combining a linear arrangement of genetic sequances in code (ACGT, Adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, the four nitrogenous DNA bases) with objects that the artist assigns to the persons portrayed.
> Self-Portrait in Ixuatio (1988).

Clarté Centre lavalloisien de ressources technologiques (Levallois center of technological resources).

Claus Jurgen Artist, professor, writer, manager. Multimedia works about ecology. Wikipedia (in German).
- [Popper1] pp. 47  65 141,142  [Popper2] pp. 29 , 59-62.
> Solar Energy Sculpture (1987) [Popper2].
> Solar expert system (1987) [Popper2].

Clauss Julien
> Stimuline (2008). Presentation of the work on Imal wegsite(collaboration with Lynn Pook).

Nicolas Clauss and Jean-Jacques Birgé : La machine à rêves de Léonard de Vinci.

Clauss Nicolas. Multimedia artist
> Agora (2015). Interactive installation, video and music.
> Vidéographies (2013). See Clauss's notice.
> La machine à rêves de Leonardo da Vinci (2012). A application on iPad, produced and published by Universcience, by Nicolas Clauss (images) and Jean-Jacques Birgé (sound). "A box of secrets, controlled by the user, lets out fragments of dreams that an oniric software transforms into a graphical and musical work. Free on the AppStore in November 2012. Has been downloaded some 15000 time
> Terres arbitraires (2011), the second part. Presentation of the work.
> Terres arbitraires (2010). Installation at Agora (Evry, Ile-de-France".
> Les mouches (2010).
> De l'art si je veux (2005). Recreational images with children, inspired by Bacon.
> Somnanbules (2003). Collaboration with Jean-Jacques Birgé ad Nicolas Silhol. See Birgé.

Clay Arthur ("Art") . ETH Zurich.
- Curates the Virtuale Exhibition (augmented reality) in Siggraph Asia 2013.
< Inventing malleable scores: from paper to screen based scores. 15 pages in [Adams].

Clayssen Davec Lobstein D. Zeitoun J.
< Les nouvelles images. Introduction à l'image électronique. Dunod 1987.

Cleempoel Michel. Diverse medias. Facebook page.
- For example, a story, lines with pearls, mathematical laws guessed on length, positions, more or less light on the pearls...

Clergeaud Damien. Juggling.
< Objets physiques interactifs pour de la performance artistique immersive, by Damien Clergeaud, Myriam Desainte-Catherine and Martin Hachet

Clic.Club innovation et culture.
- Federative network of innovative museums. Interview of its founder Pierre-Yves Lochon in Sonovision 5/2011.

Writing machines : The Sweet Old Etcetera, by Alison Clifford & Graeme Truslove.

Clifford Allison. Animation cinema.
< Citizen (2001). An artist's CD-Rom.

Clinton J.
> Quadrille melodist (1865). Game of cards to compose quadrilles.

Cliquet Etienne
>Timer 555 (2006). Origami [Moulon] p. 104-105.

Cliquet Grégoire
Hypermedia teaching leader, Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique.

Closky Claude "The websites accessible from are part of my work as fully as my more traditional woks. Working on Internet is something parent to drawing; it lets the artist go from living forms to ideas, on a simple and limited way". (Judicaël Lavrador, Beaux Arts Magazine 2/2011. Our translation). > Ground drawing 7 (2012). Quoted with illustration in ArtPress2, May-July 2013.

CNC Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée.
- A prospective study about employment in this sector. The study (no longer on line by June 2017) by René Broca.

Cnes. Centre national des écritures du spectacle, at La Chartreuse.

CNSA Critical Network Streaming Action
- Their presentation in Bergen A report by Apo 33

Cnum. Conservatoire numérique des Arts et Métiers. Interview of Pierre Cubaud AH No 68.

Co Elise. Her page at MIT. "Creative design in software, hardware and physical form".
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 78.

Co Phil 
< Level design for games. Creating compelling game experiences.  New Riders, Berkeley 2006.

Coca-Cola. An important support of media. See [Martel], [Rose], [Jenkins].

Cochard Catherine. Software.
- She took part in the Jouable show, 2004, with the work Family Pack. See (in 2013 and 2017, sees no longer online).

Cochet Zita. Video.
> Frontières (2012). Concert, music and visual effects, by Arnaud Rebotini, Zita Cochet and Christian Zanesi. See comments in Etherreal.
> Saycet teaser. Video on Vimeo. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013

An illustration of the Cocquerez book, showing that vision may be described by complex and even cooperative models.

Cocquerez Jean-Pierre.
- Leader of the CNRS network (AH No 69) : Images, vision and scene analysis.
< Analyse d'images: filtrage et segmentation by Jean-Pierre Cocquerez, Sylvie Philipp and al. Masson 1995.

Cod Act . Group formed by André and Michel Décosterd.
> Pendulum Choir (2011)

Code 2.0. A magazine about arts. Sometimes digital.
< L'oeuvre d'art à l'ère de sa reproduction digitale. Artie by Corentin Hamel. (Fall 2012 issue).

Codesign.  Studio in New Delhi. Founded by Rajesh Dahiya.

Codognet Philippe Professeur, Lip 6. Interview AH No 17 Inria.
- Behavior description language. [Lioret] p. 11.
> Sciences de l'information et création artistique Nature artificielle et artifice naturel . Communication (in French), Asti 2001 Conference

Coeuroy André
Wagner et l'esprit romantique. Gallimard 1965. About the Wagnerian systematics.

Cohen Charles
> 126  and Andie 04.  photo and processing (erotic stylized) [Paul].

Harlod Cohen, Clarissa.

Cohen Harold. +2016. A major pioneer of digital art.
> Clarissa (1993), Quoted by [Lopes].
- Some works in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
- Quoted several times in [Berger-Lioret] and [Lieser] with large pictures
< Aaron's code. Meta-art, artificial intelligence and the work of Harold Cohen. par Pamela MacCorduck. Freeman 1991.
- Several works with pictures in [Lieser].
Some publications:
- 1999 Colouring without seeing: a problem in machine creativity. Cohen (after a quite long rewriging of Aaron's history, tells in more detail about his color scale system.
- 1994 The further exploits of Aaron, painter. In reference to his 1988 paper ad to the McCorduck's book, this aricle (13 pages) exposes the Aaron's progress in the way of realism, notably about color and depth (a relative form of 3D). The color theory is told in more detail in the 1999 paper. - 1990 Brother Giorgio's Kangaroo. A remake, with some add-ons, to the precedent paper.
- 1988 How to draw three people in a botanical garden. Much more details than precedently, notably about knowledge networks. Cohen also explains that 'Aaron has a limited description base of plants (of a very general way) and human beings. - 1986 Off the shelf . A short and philosophical note, where you can see several works of the new genration of Aaron, of a clearly riches compared to the fort version.
- 1982 How to make a drawing. This paper opens a new phase. A part of the paper is dedicated to philosophical considerations about the first version of Aaron. The other part telles the priniples that will guide the construction of version 2. which, at this time, is still in infancy. Note that now the idea that many things will be stored in memory, which requires adn ad hor editor to build this base... at leat as long as Aaron has not suffiiciently taken off to progress by itself. - *** 1979 What is an image ? This the first grand synthesis about Aaron. It shows a strong maturation, compared to the precedent papers. This is due to Cohen's continued reflectio as well as to computer tool advances, notably the exper system concept (trendy by this time... disappointing later). - 1976 The material of symbols. interesting for some experimentation with students.
- 1974 On purpose. Some add-ons about "what ia an artist".
- 1973 Parallel to perception. The first paper. The project is yet rather powerful. The concepts remain a little fuzzy, and the resuts limited by the available compputing power of this period.

- (Much) more in French.

Cohen Léonard. Animation cinema.
> Plato (2011). Best end of learning award and Jury's award at Annecy 2011.

Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau Wavelets [Gonzalez].

Cohen Milton. Theater, and group Once (Ann Arbor, Michigan). Three pages in [Youngblood] with photo.
> Unmarked Interchange (1965).

Cohen Preston Scott. Architect. Wikipedia
> Wu House (2000) Quoted by Terracol with picture, for its use of "a simple morphologic grammar, with three vaults on which cones are grafted"".

Cohen Richard
> Opera industriel (1986). by Adam Chin and Richard Cohen. One copy in Ina funds.

Cohl Emile. Animation film pioneer. Biography in [Willoughby] p. 283.

Colbie Tom.  Mainly a traditional painter, but sometimes he uses algorithms, like in this video sent by Yann Minh.

Coleman Melissa  "Designer, maker, baker"

Melissa Coleman: The holy dress.

> Holy Dress (2012). A garment that punishes its wearer through an electric shock when a lie is told. The dress is a speculative design imagining what it would be like to wear electronically enhanced clothing to help you stick to your morals. Because it is too easy to lie to yourself, the dress will check on your lies for you. Although the dress punishes, wearing it is not a punishment, but rather a radical new way to train yourself to become a better person. In the Holy Dress technology takes over the function that religion used to have of helping us to live the right way.
The work has a speech recognition system that constantly checks for lies. It guesses if you're lying through voice stress analysis, since vocal stress can be an indicator of untruthfulness. While you are talking the dress will light up, growing with intensity as the likelihood of a lie increases. Once the dress has determined it's heard a lie it will fully light up and flicker while it punishes you through an electric shock. The shock has two functions. On the one hand the punishment psychologically cleanses you of your sin, and helps you to forgive yourself, an action that is thought to be key to self-regulation. On the other hand it will train you to be truthful by making it unappealing to tell further lies.

Melissa Coleman: Charlie.

> Charlie (2009) A coat includes memory cards which tell life slices of an old man into a sound set

Collaer Paul. 1892-1989.
< La musque moderne, 1905/1955. Elsevier 1955. Find in joined document the final page of this work, dedicated to "mechanical music".

Collectif anonyme. Difficult to say where they are aiming to. The website shows a lot of divers works.
> Drawzone (2012).

Collectif Yeta Group of artists, video creation and interaction. One page in [Dermineur].
> Rien que du live (2011). Interaction, event.

Collin Jacques. Productions Jacques Collin. CV.
> Big Machine (1982) . [Picon-Vallin] p. 47.
- More in French.

Collins Dan. "My work bridges traditional studio concerns and digital media. I am interested in the gap between the virtual space of the computer and the tangible, body-felt reality of sculptural objects. I am a Professor of Intermedia within the School of Art at Arizona State University and Co-Director of the PRISM lab -an interdisciplinary 3D modeling and rapid prototyping facility. I also coordinate the foundation program in basic art instruction (artCORE) and Co-Direct an alternative art program called Deep Creek Arts in Telluride, ... > Return to the Garden (2002). Networked video. [Wands].

Collins Nick Page Art-on-Wires: He has appeared in many places and guises. These might include falling off a piano stool under computer direction in Sydney, haphazardly touring the world with Swedish audiovisual duo klipp av, or jogging while singing for Brighton street-art. He is fascinated by the vast algorithmic potential of music, but hopefully won’t be too busy contemplating this to actually

Collins Susan. Inter disciplinary multimedia..
> Audiozone (1994). [Popper 2] 280-287.

Colombo Gianni. Lumino-cinetic art, with interaction, 1960's. Encyclopédie Larousse. A member of Gruppo T.

Jean-François Colonna. One of the works in his website.

Colonna Jean-François. An image scientist. Ecole Polytechnique. Pioneer work on computer graphics in the 1970's.
- His website "Art and science" at Lactamme .

Color Cinetics. A Philips subsidiary for LED dynamic lighting. See LED art.

Colorusso Craig. Music.
> Sun Boxes (2011). Several musical loops. A comment by Random magazine.
> MB 89 (1997).

Colton Simon.
< The Painting Fool: Stories from Building an Automated Painter in McCormack 2012.
> The Painting Fool (2010 c.). Automated painter software.
- Quoted in [Berger-Lioret] pp. 68, 76, 219.

Coltro Davide. Painting.

Coman Florin
< L'histoire de l'art et l'informatique documentaire
. PhD Thesis, Lille III, 1988.

Com'Art. School and education center in Paris. Article in Créanum, Sept-Oct. 2011.

Company in Space. Theater
> Incarnate (2001) Cited by Dixon 2007.

Compart. A database on digital art.

Complexitys Interesting blog about digital art.

Computaknit. Painting
> Untitled (before 1977). See an image in the Recode project.

Computational Aesthetics. A symposium founded in Eurographics frame in 2005 by Laszlo Neumann, Mateu Sbert, Bruce Gooch and Werner Purgathofer.

Computer Art Society.   Founded in 1968.

Computer Technique Group (CTG) Includes : Koji Fujino, Junichiro Kakizaki, Masao Komura, Fujio Niwa, Makoto Ohtake, Haruki Tsuchiya and Kunio Yumanaka. Founded in 1967 at the IBM Scientific Data Center in Tokyo.
- "Engineers and designers created many beautiful and varied art works, using image processing and geometric transformations", says [Masson] p. 394.
- [Bonnefoy] p. 389: "In 1966, the CTG group, formed around Tsuchiya Haruki and Komura Maso made computer paintings and launched the Japanese computer art. In the late 1960's, then, interest for computer and technology grew among many artists, and resulted in a expsition, Electromagica 69, at Tokyo's Sony building, with foreign artists as Niccolas Schoeffer, Von Huene, etc. > Dog (1967-68), plotter drawing. Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture

Congaz. Multimedia firm.
> Olympic games opening ceremony (2008). 4 pages in [Klanten].

Mark Coniglio, A founder of Troika Ranch Company.
- He created the interactive dance software Isadora. Wikipedia. Cited by [Dixon 2007].
- Interview by Dawn Stoppiello in Interagir avec les technologies numériques (Bruxelles, Contredanse 2004).

Conrad Demian. Designer of books. Presents itself as Automatico Studio.
> Responsive Typography (2017)

Conseil national du numérique (CNN). The report (no longer in line in June 2017). A French institution, installed in April 2011.

Constant. A non-profit association of self-managed artists, based in Brussels since 1997 and active in art, medias and technology. Among its activities, Algolit, for literature.

Constantini Arcange . Moves
> Milpa Polímera by Marcela Armas and Arcángelo Constantini. See our post about Siggraph 2017.
> Retrofeed (2012)

Contant Benjamin. Matte painting. Winter 2011-2012.

Context Free Art. A software tool for image generation from non-contextual grammars (Chris Coyne)
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 172.

Contreras Paul Rosero. Mulimedia
> The Andean Pavilion (2017) See our post about Siggraph 2017.
> The craftsman (ecomimetismos I) (2013)

Cook Peter. Architect. wikipedia. He published many books about his art. In particular with Colin Fournier (Graz Museum of modern art, Austria).

Cook Rob. Animation.
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith. The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence, according to [Masson].

Cook Sar
< Rethinking Curating. by Beryl Graham et Sar Cook. MIT Press 2010.

Coop Himmelb(l)au. Architects studio. Wikipedia
> Musée des confluences, in Lyon (project for2014). Presentation of the project at the Lyon Confluence show (Nov. 2011-Jan. 2012).

Coover Roderick. He "makes digital and interactive cinema, panoramic digital arts, installations, and webworks, and he publishes in fields of the arts, humanities and social sciences. "
> Currency: Four Experiments in the Video Poem (2007). Co-created with writer Nick Monfort.

David Cope : Classical music composed by computer

Cope David. Generative music creation. Wikipedia. Youtube.
> Classical Music Composed by Computer (CD)
> Virtual Mozart (CD)
> Bach by design (CD)
> Virtual Rachmaninoff (CD)
- A long story (14 pages) about him in [Steiner, 2012] and 14 pages also in [Lehmann].
< Experiments in musical intelligence systems. Madison (WI), A.R. Editions 1996.
- Quoted by Assayag (Asti 2001 proceedings).

Coppey Caroline Digital works since 2004 in cooperation with the Cube (Issy-les-Moulineaux, France)
> Accords (2010) a behavioral work, with an image database. The images composition depends on the sperctators preferences
> En 2006, La Vie en Rose (2006) behavioral work, with a database. A disk changes its colors according to temperature, light and time, and the spectators behavior.
> Palettes 1-300 (2004) a film.

Coqart Roger. Painting. Notice in Dada Compart
> Structure Square Series Inward (1960's). See an image of this and other works, and reconstituted code in the Recode project.

Corbu, Le Corbusier. See Le Corbusier.

Cordeiro Analivia. Painting
> The Programming Choreographer (before 1977). See an image in the Recode project.

Wademar Cordeiro: Gente Grau 1 (1972)

Cordeiro Waldemar. A member of Nove Tendencije group (1960's). Around 1973, he declared that computer art has replaced constructivism.
> Gente (before 1976). See an image in the Recode project.

> Corel Draw (1990 c.) Software suite for graphic artists.
> Corel Painter (1990 c.).

Corelabs (or Core Labs): "An artistic platform designed for the production, investigation, experimentation and diffusion of the digital and audiovisual culture. Formed by artists who also contribute to the contemporary creation through their own activity.". Headquarters in Beijing. Seems chiefly led by Spanish scientists.

Corin Florence. Page Web. Artist. Publishing manager at Nouvelles de Danse.

Cornell Lauren. Curator for the New Museum and preparing its triennal (2015).
- Quoted by [Quaranta 2013] pp. 4-5: "Cornell is the point woman for a new generation of "media literate" curators, with a background and a good network in the new media art world, who are successfully stepping up to the contemporary art world".

Cornell University. Timothy Murray leads here multiple "new media" activities.

Cornette de Saint-Cyr. Auctioneer, a knower of digital art issues. See [Forest 2010].

Cornock Stroud. Sculpture and interaction.
> Gemini (1968).

Coroller Sophie. Abstract painting with lights.

Cornu Anne-Marie. Multimedia installations

Corredor Eliana. Interaction.
> Echa tu cinta con la Maleta Viajera (2005).

Corrine Legalize Kabarelectronik . Video and computer for a "cyber trendy show". .

Corsetti Giorgio Barbiero. Stage director.
> La Pietra del Parragone (2007), by Rossini, directed by Giorgio Barbierao Corsetti and Pierrick Sorin. Quoted by [Moindrot 2013], p. 198.

Corsino N + N. A couple of plastic artists/dancers.
> Surf et surface (2012). Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
> Topologie de l'instant (2002).
> Temporel (1994) Mixes, in the same choreography, recorded on videotape, real and virtual dancers. [Couchot 2003] p. 95.

Corte Ferdinand
> Mesle-entreprise (2000). A fictional enterprise. [Forest 2].

Cortright Petra. Internet artist. Wikipedia
> vvebcam (2007). See Youtube Page supprimée en 2017.

Cosgriff Robert L. Computer graphics in 1965. Compart page.

Cosic Vuc [Greene] pp. 53-56, 76-77 presents the artist and his works, with several pictures. Wikipedia.
> Psychodada (2017), for
> Very Deep ASCII (2015) quoted with picture by [Lieser] 2015.
> History of Art for the Intelligence Community (2002). 8 pages with pictures in [Algora].
> Blow Up (1999) characters on screen. in [Lieser] with a large picture
> Deep ASCII (1998). "Ascii" version of the Deep Throat film. [Greene] pp. 88-92.
> Net Criticism Juke Box (1997).
> Signs for airports (1997) quoted by [Lieser] with pictures
> per se (1996). Included a copy of CNN!

Cosnefroid Florence. Interaction
> Colorama (2010).

Costa Anabela. Independent film maker, working on mobile image, experimental animation and art/science relationships.
-Website, Animation examples
> In motion (2016). Film
< ArtiE-Fract, used by Anabela Costa, visual artist. by Evelyne Lutton and Anabela Costa. Communication at Computational Aestheticss in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging (2012). D. Cunningham é D. House (Editors).
< VR_the Simulacrum of a personal imaginary. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010. Online.

Costa Mario. University of Salerno. Art critic. notably about sociological art.
- Mario Costa and Fred Forest organized in 2008 in Paris the Artmedia X workshop. The proceedings have been published in 2011 by l'Harmattan with Ina suppport. They are on line on Leonardo-Olats.
< Internet et globalisation esthétique. L'avenir de l'art et de la philosophie à l'époque des réseaux. L'Harmattan 2003. AH No 134.
- Co-organizer of "De l'esthétique de la communication au net art" conference, AH No 96 (concepts).
- [Couchot 2003] p. 251.

Costa Toni. Kinetic art. Member of Gruppo N. 1950's.

Costello Maébh. Croquis et photoshop. Thématique végétale. Citée par par [Book], hiver 2011-2012.

Côté noir/Côté blanc. A series of shows in Cité des Sciences de La Villette, in September 2002, combining a real stage with Internet. Reports by Yannick Bressan (Compagnie e-toile, Strasbourg) and Cécile Huet (author/director), in [Garbagnati].

Cotto-Zef, duo composed of Suzanne Cotto, choreographer, dancer, video maker and Christine Moreau ZEF, composer, singer, sound engineer. -

< Numérisation et patrimoine, edited by B. Couasnon and H. Emptoz. Hermès 2004.

Edmond Couchot and Michel Bret : The dandelion.

Couchot Edmond. Artist and former professor at Paris 8 University. Wikipedia.

< Outre-ronde: Anne-Sarah Le Meur. Galerie Charlot 2016.
< A rich preface for [Aziosmanoff 2015]
< La nature de l'art. Hermann 2012. See our note
< Le mariage de l'art et de la technologie. Communication at the Le futur a un passé (2011) conference. Tells mainly of the creation of the "Arts et technologie de l'image", 1982, in Paris 8.
- The automatization of figurative techniques: towards the autonomous image. 11 pages dans [Grau].
< Des images, du temps et des machines dans les arts et la communication. Jacqueline Chambon 2007.
< L'art numérique, Comment la technologie vient au monde de l'art. by Edmond Couchot and Norbert Hillaire. Flammarion 2003. New printing in collections Champs Arts in 2009?
- Communication in the "De l'esthétique de la communication au net art" symposium AH No 96 (concepts) and AH No 97 (concepts).
- Dialogues sur l'art et la technologie autour d'Edmond Couchot, François Soulages ed. , AH No66 (biblio).
- AH No 26 (interview).
< La technologie dans l'art. De la photographie à la réalité virtuelle. Jacqueline Chambon 1998.
> I sow to the Four Winds (1990) [Popper 2].
< Images, de l'optique au numérique. Hermès 1988.
> Je sème à tout vent. (1990). by Edmond Couchot, Michel Bret and Marie-Hélène Tramus). In 2015, the work is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post, including the catalog presentation)..
> La plume (1988), by Edmond Couchot, Michel Bret and Marie-Hélène Tramus).. In 2015, the work is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post, including the catalog presentation)..
- Quoted by [Popper 1] pages 44 and 155 and [Popper 2] pp. 183-187.
> Semaphora I, II and III (1965, 1967). Quoted by [Couchot 2003] p. 47.
"In 1969, with the creation of the fine arts department at the experimental University of Vincennes, near Paris, Couchot began teaching. He was also fortunate to meet a group of like-minded researchers, informaticians and artists (painters and musicians) at the university such as Michel Bret, Hervé Huitric and Monique Nahas. Couchot then founded, with Marie-Hélène Tramus, a new department called Art et Technologies de l'Image, which he directed until 2000. This was the first institution in France to offer students a serious technological curriculum with artistic ends and a PhD option.

Coudsi Paul Film maker. Paris ACM Siggraph page.
> Le stylo (1987), by Daniel Borenstein and Paul Coudsi. Produced by Eurocitel and TDI.

Coulon François. Hypertextual poetry and literature. Rather long presentation in [Bootz].
> Prise multiple (2010 c.). Videos. Digital? See the web page.
> The reprover (2008), a hyperfiction. See the web page.
> Egérie (1990), on Atari.

Courchesne: Santa Barbara

Courchesne Luc. Interaction, performance and video.

> Santa Barbara (2013 c.) at Show Off 2013.
- [Murray]
> Posture (2010). Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> Rivages (series, 2006-2010).
> Bei Dai He (2008) Panoramic video for immersion in a Chinese bath resort. Selected by Digitalarti.
> The visitors. Living by numbers (2001) [Paul].
> Portraits (1990) until 1993. [Popper 2] pp. 287-292. [Moulon] p.46-47 with a picture of Portrait One. Crossing temporalities. In 2015, Portraits n°1 is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post, including the catalog - [Jouable], [Vroege] shows a picture of Portrait One.
> Le salon des ombres (1996), comments in [Aziosmanoff].

Courdy Keiko. Artiste Site web
- She uses digital media to create immersive environments. Since 2004, she teaches in Kyoto, University of Art and design.

Court Raymond
< Du sprirituel dans l'art contemporain. Jacques-Louis Binet ed, with texts by Jérôme Alexandre, Pierre Arnaud, , Micky Boël, Jean-Marc Cerino, Raymond Court, Anne Dagbert, Patrick Giorda, Bernard Goy, Christelle Langrené, Chantal Leroy, Renée Moineau, Dominique Ponneau, Paul-Louis Rinuy, François Rouan andChristine Vaque.

Courtinat Melanie

She is an award-winning immersive art director and artist, born and based in Paris, France.
Considering video games as a major medium, she focuses on their extraordinary immersive properties, and seeks to push back their limits.
The outcome, crafted through the use of digital tools, results in CGI images and films, Digital installations, Virtual and Augmented reality.
As an art director, she works on commissioned projects or clients in the Luxury, Fashion, Culture & Music fields.
As an artist, her personal work is consistently being shown worldwide in cultural institutions, galleries and museums, from Tokyo to New York.
Mélanie also teaches video game theory at Écal in Lausanne and regularly gives lectures and workshops within an academic context.
Furthermore, she has been nominated by the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) as a jury member for the Fond d’aide au jeu vidéo for the forthcoming two years.
Ereme 2003.

Couvelaire Natacha
> Aricebo (2015C) Photograhy and processing. Hygh definition

Couwenbergh J.P.
< Guide complet et pratique de la couleur, by J.P. Couwenbergh. OEM/Eyrolles 2003.

Couzinet-Jacques Sylvain. Photography with touch-up and compositing.
> Outstanding Nominals (2012)

Coverley M.D. See Luesebrink.

Cox David, Little Jonh and O’Shea Donald
< Ideals, varieties and algorithms. An introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Springer 1992,1997.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 122.

Cox Geoff. Artist and generative art theorist. His website offers an important collection of substantial texts. Indicated by Alain Lioret. For example:
< The aesthetics of Generative Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean and Adrian Ward.

Cox Ian. A member of Future Farmers. "An artist, explorer, and creative problem solver. Exploration of our world with an imaginative open mind".

Cox Philip. Architect
> Melbourne Rectangular Stadium, (2010). Geodesic dome. Technical description in [Burry]. Wikipedia. "The building’s key design feature is its bubble-like bio-dome which will be covered with thousands of LED lights. the roof is inspired by buckminster fuller’s geodesic dome and its unique cantilevered design will provide excellent sightlines while covering the seats. "

Craig Edward Gordon. Light art.
- He "revealed the pure movement of things in silence  [Popper2] p.13.

Cramer Florian
> Here Comes Everybody, permutations, 1996-98, web project. (In June 2017, we cannnot confirm this info).

Crandall Jordan. [Popper 1] p. 139. Not in Net art.
> Suspension (1997), by Jordan Crandall and Marek Walczak. (Documenta X, Kasel, 1997). Using VRML.

Craven Tom.
Siggraph 2006 Emerging technologies chair et Art gallery jury.

Crawford Graham.
> Mirror Wound (1999). [Greene] p. 113. On the site of Queer Arts Resource, an SF story.

CRCA. Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (retired website). San Diego, California. Harold Cohen has been one of its chief members.

Créanum. Was a magazine about digital creation (in the 2000's)

Crescenti Leonardo. Architect but mainly a film maker, with 13 short films and a lot of international awards among which Cannes Festival.

Crespin Benoit
< Réalité virtuelle, synthèse d'images et visualisation. Benoit Crespin, Eric Galin and Bernard Péroche eds.. Hermès/Lavoisier 2004 (special issue of the review CFAO et d'informatique graphique).

Elias Crespin : Tapiz Doble. Minimalist.... at first sight.

Crespin Elias. Multimedia.
> Grand HexaNet (2018). A large piece, shown at Robots & Artists exhibtion.
> Circuconcentricos Bianco y Rojo
(2013), shown at the exposition #passion art (cinetique-numerique) Denise René (spring 2013). Our note.
> Flexionante Circular (2012) shown in Turbulences II, villa Empain in Brussels (spring 2013).
> Pentaconcentricos (2012). Youtube.
> Hiperficies (2010). Exposition in 2010.
> Kinetica (c. 2006) Video

Crichton Michael
> Westworld 1973. 2 pages with pictures in > Halftone Animation 1972. with Frederick Parke. Images in [Dreher]
> Looker 1981. > Halftone Animation Cited with an image by [Dreher]

Crifino Fabio. A member of Studio Azurro, An artistic research studio, using new technologies. Created by Fabio Crifino in 1982, Paolo Rosa (visual arts and film) and Leonardo Sangiorgi (graphic arts and animation). In 1995 Stefano Roveda, interactive systems expert, joins the

Cristofol Jean. Philosopher dealing wtih digital art, mainly around the notion of real time. Lecturer, Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence.
- Takes part in the Plot project.
- See [Berger-Lioret] p.100, 122.

Critical Art Ensemble. CAE is a collective of five tactical media practitioners of various specializations including computer graphics and web design, film/video, photography, text art, book art, and performance. Cited by [Reichle 2009]
> Society of Reproductive Anachronisms (1990 c.) [Greene] p. 110.
> Biocom (1990 c. ) [Greene] p. 110.
< Digital Resistance. Exploration in tactical media.. Critical Media. Autonomedia 2001 and five other books.

Critikat A critical weekly about films on the web.

Crocus Safran. Film production. Dominique Bloch.

Croizé Fabrice. Co-founder of Calvacréation group

Crondon Brody. Wikipedia. Performance and modified games, dealing with post-traumatisms and fantasy.
> love-2.wad (2002).
> Adam Killer (2000).
> Cracking the Maze (1999).

Michael Cros : Datasauvages, behavioral interactive installation

Cros Michael
> Datasauvages (2015) . Interactive installation, playing with the machine "emotion". The user can type something, or make moves (detected by a camera), and the work makes different answers, up to the moment where there are too many inputs and the user dismissed as "savage". > Les mains (2004). 14 pages in [Aziosmanoff] with 3 color pictures.

Cross Lowell. Multimedia. [Popper 2] p. 24. Invented the laserlight-show.

Cross Nick. Book writer, and editorial activities.
- Interview in Who ate my brain": "Transmedia is one of the hottest concepts in the entertainment world, allowing stories to break away from books or films and be told across many types of media simultaneously."

Crouzet Thierry. See his blog, notably about writing and publishing.
> Scribay (2016) , a collaborative workshop for writers.

Crowe Nick .
> Discrete packets (2000) (net) [Paul].

Crowther Will
> Colossal Cave Adventure (1775-77). Game on Atari.

Crosetto Guillermo. Architect, design
< Textiles. Innovations et matières actives, par Florence Bost et Guillermo Crosetto. Eyrolles 2014.

Cruxent Jose-Maria [Popper 1] p.63. Optical and kinetic art.

Carlos Cruz-Diez. Color.

Cruz-Diez Carlos. Interaction.
< Réflexion sur la couleur, by Carlos Cruz-Diez. Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux arts, Paris 2013. Our comment : Enjoy... but think ahead
[Popper 1] pp. 22 27 29 52 69 107-111.
- At Denise René's in 2013. Our note.
> Expérience chromatique aléatoire interactive (1995) [Popper 2] pp. 39 30.

Cruz Indira Tatiana
> En corps à corps (2004). 14 pages in [Aziosmanoff] with two color pictures.

CST Commission supérieure technique de l'image et du son (Technical superior commission on image and) sound).

Csuri Charles Painter.
"Charle Csuri created an analog computer and used it to make transformations of a drawing. He completed a series of drawings based on the paintings of old masters such as Durer, Goya, Ingres, Klee? Mondrian and Picasso" ( [Masson] ). The Siggraph 2006, in Boston, dedicate to him a retrospective exposition, with a substantial catalog.
- [Processing], [Paul]. [Wands] comment and present various works.
- Quoted by [Couchot 2003] p. 41, [Berger-Lioret] pp. 65-66.
> Random Squares (before 1976). See an image and reconstituted code in the Recode project.
> Sine Curve Man (1968).
> Ridges over time (1968). Sculpture, digital fabrication. Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture
> Hummingbird (1967). Film, vector interpolated 16mm animation.
- In 1967, a contributor submitted an essay on Charles Csuri to Art Forum. The magazine's editor Philip Leider rejected it, adding: "I can't imagine Artforum ever doing a special issue on electronics or computers in art, but one never knows" (Quoted by [Quaranta], p. 7). - Works in the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Charles Csuri: Venus MIX.

CTG Group, See Computer Technique Group.

Cuba Larry. Wikipedia. A pioneer in abstract animation (worked in the 80's ), and founder of the Iotacenter website.
> First Fig (1974). Quoted by [Masson], who gives a biography of this artist.
- A frame simulation episode in Star Wars Episode IV. Cited with an image in > Halftone Animation 1972. with Frederick Parke. Images in [Dreher]

Le Cube. Digital creation center, Issy-les-Moulineaux (Ile-de-France).
- Some comments by Elen Riot in the collective book edited by Marc Borillo: Dans l'atelier d'art, expériences cognitives. Champ Vallon 2010.

Cubitt Sean Editor-in-Chief, Leonardo Book Series. His blog.
< Projection: vanishing and becoming. 16 pages dans [Grau].
< Digital Aesthetics. Sage, London 1998.

Cuevas Minerva. Wikipedia.
> Mejor Vida Corporation (1999). Art project for electronic commerce. [Greene].

Larry Cuba. Two Space, 1979.

Cullinane Steven H. Painting, mainly a mathematician.
> Diamond Theory (before 1977). See an image and source code in the Recode project.

Culture Labs. A move of the French ministry of Culture, to foster cultural digital uses innovating for the public.

Cumbrowski Carsten. Some graphics on micro-computers ASCII art.
> Closed Society (1994). The dedicated blog (1994-1998). Quoted by [Lopes] p. 5.

Cunin Dominique. Interaction. See his Ensad page.
> Book Tales (2010-2014). by Dominique Cunin & Mayumi Okura: Interactive books on iPads. In 2014, the work is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post).

Cunningham Douglas.
< How Believable Are Real Faces? Towards a Perceptual Basis for Conversational Animation. by Douglas W. Cunningham, Martin Breidt, Mario Kleiner, Christian Wallraven and Heinrich H. Bülthoff. Webpage.


Cunningham Merce. Wikipedia Choreographer and leader of the Merce Cunningham Company. Died 2011 (to be checked).
> Biped (1999): interaction of living artists and virtual beings. Quoted by [Moindrot 2013], p. 197. Quoted with picture in [Dixon].
> Life Forms (1997). Cited by [Dixon 2007].
- Cited by [Baudouin]

Cuong Castaing Eric Minh. See Shonen.

Curien Frédéric. Composer and sound artist. A member of Sliders Lab group.
> Résonances (2003).

A collective, founded by Ravi Govender, Jamal Nxedlana and Zamani Xolo. Collaborative and multimedia. Video, installations, performance, textile. One page in [Dermineur].
> Emission Cuss (2012). Video installation.

CuteCircuit. Womenswear
> Soundshirt (2015) in collaboration with the Junge Symphoniker Hamburg. Sound signals from an orchestra are transtlated into vibrators placed on the body of the wearer. Basses touch the torso's lower parts, trebles touch the higher parts.

Cutlog is French event, organized in Paris, and in New-York, colocated with Frieze.
- Our post about Cutlog New-York 2013

CyberArts CyberArts2004. The meeting catalog.

Cybernetic Serendipity. From Compart page : (It) was the first large international exhibition of electronic, cybernetic, and computer art. It took place at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, UK, from 2 August to 20 October

Cycling 74
> Max MSP (1985 c.) Wikipedia. Tutorials by CECN CECN (9/2011).

Cypher Mark. Siggraph 2006: Presentation: Biophilia rather 2D generative..

Czarnecki Gina. Graphics. e
> Heirloom (2016C). Bio-art
> Nascent (2005) quoted by [Grau], with a color photo.


Czegledy Nina. Multisensoriality. [Popper 2] pp. 169-173.






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