(Photo Getty pour The Hill)

Aux US : les chercheurs appelés au secours de la sécurité des votes

Les Etats-Unis envisagent de renforcer (boost) la recherche sur la sécurité des infrastructure élecorales. Cette proposition bipartisane faite au congrès doit maintenant passer au Sénat, à une date encore indéterminé. (selon un aticle de Maggie Miller , dans The Hill du 09/16/20).

« The House on Wednesday unanimously passed bipartisan legislation intended to boost research into the security of election infrastructure. 

« The Election Technology Research Act would establish and fund a Center of Excellence in Election Systems at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to test the security and accessibility of voting equipment, along with authorizing NIST and the National Science Foundation to carry out research on further securing voting technology. 

Pushing forward legislation to increase election security has been a priority for the Democratic-controlled House over the past year, with the House passing three major bills intended to secure and reform the elections process. All three bills have stalled in the Senate amid Republican objections.

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