Digital Creation Critical ANalysis. Beheviour. Brush.

| A | B | C | E | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z| Index


DAAP. A website for online virtual sculpture.

Dafact. The company providing the Karlax music instrument. Comment in Chercheurs de sons.
> Karlax (2000). A music instrument, invented the composer Rémi Dur. It includes a control box, transmitting Midi signals to a computer loades with proprietary software.
It is sold mainly as a set, the "Karlax Visionary" pack, for 4 700€ TTC.

Daft Punk. An image from Musique.Jeux Actu

Daft Punk. Music group, typical of "électronica" music, notably by the fact that artists disappear behind the work, the record, up to the point where they don't even are present on stage for public performances. [Moorefield] p. 99.
- The Mix (2013 c.) a CD.
- In 2011, the group signs a preface to a very "digital" comic strip book, Le chant de la machine (by David Blot and Mathias Cousin).

D'Agostino Peter. Immersive and interactive environments.
> VR/RV  A Recreational vehicle in Virtual Reality  (1994). [Paul].

Daisy-Ginsberg Alexandra.
> Design for the sixth Extinction (2013)
> The Synthetic Kingdom (2010) The Synthetic Kingdom: A Natural History of the Synthetic Future)

Daito Manabe. Interaction, sensoriality.
> Phosphere (2017), presented at Sonar Festival

D'Andrea Raffaello. Works with Max Dean.

Dahiya Rajesh. Founder of the Co-design studio, in New-Delhi. Manager more than artist.

Daigneault Gilles. Scientist, INA.
< L'animation 3D à l'Ina dans les années 80-90, communication at symposium Le futur a un passé 2011.

Dailleau Laurent. A member of S.S.S. Group.
> Miscellanées (2000). Website of La maison laurentine".

Daines Michael.
- Several small applications on his website.

Dala. A collective group.

> Interface 2012 (2012). Multimedia in urban space. An article with images in [Dermineur].

Dall'Armellina Luc. Writing.
> Flu (2013). Performance during the Chercher le texte festival (2013).

Dallet Jean-Marie. A member of Sliders Lab group.
> Horizons sans fin (2015) Video installation.
< Cinéma, interactivité et société, edited by Jean-Maarie Dallet. VDMC, Bruxelles, 2013. See a note by Sliders Lab> Sky Memory Project Mission_1 (2010). "An interactive performance with two performers who play the picture and sound. From sequences of adventure films, we create a new real-time movie. The artist is a walker who leads the audience to travel in the memory. The artist is a creator who organizes trips in the information, which connects the data between them."
> Voyage n°17 (1994). Interactive digital installation. In 2015, the work is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post).
> Sky Memory Project Mission_1 (2010). "An interactive performance with two performers who play the picture and sound. From sequences of adventure films, we create a new real-time movie. The artist is a walker who leads the audience to travel in the memory. The artist is a creator who organizes trips in the information, which connects the data between > Voyage n°17 (1994). Interactive digital installation. In 2015, the work is shown at Futur en Seine (see our post).

Patricia Dallio: one of the sensors of her Olitherpe instrument (picture by Jean-Christophe Hanché).

Dallio Patricia Music . In 1990, she founds the Sound Track company with Cyril Dumontet and Catherine Mortier.
> Eau forte (2016) by Patricia Dallio and Mathieu Sanchez. Visual and sound performance. Music by Jean-Jacques Birgé.

Dalmon Gérard.
> My Google body (2003). Presented by Bootz.
> Le livre des Morts (2001) by Xavier Malbreil and Gérard Dalmon. Quoted by Bootz.

DAM Gallery. DAM Gallery is based on the virtual Digital Art Museum, which was founded in 1998. Since 2003 Wolf Lieser has established DAM Gallery in Berlin. The main focus is on the use of digital media as part of the art production and the dialogue with digital culture. The spectrum spans from the pioneers of the 1960s, through the Net Art artists of the 1990s to the artists after 2000.

Between 2005 and 2012 DAM organized the |DDAA| DAM Digital Art Award in collaboration with Kunsthalle Bremen, a lifetime award for the early pioneers.

In 2010 the book Digital Art (hardcover with DVD) from Wolf Lieser was published, an introductory publication on Digital Art in five languages with abundant visual material.

Damasio Alain. Science fiction writer and philosopher.
- Comments about his work by Vincent Wahl.
> La zone du dehors. by Alain Damasio. Cylibris 1999 (no longer existing publisher) and La Volte 2007 Wikipedia.

Damasio Antonio Wikipedia Important author about emotion and "creative conscience" or artists.
< Self comes to mind. Constructing the conscious brain. by Antonio Damasio. Pantheon books 2010.
< Sentiment même de soi : corps, émotions, conscience. Odile Jacob 1999.
< Descartes' error. Picador 1995. New edition : Vintage 2006.
- More in French.

Damecour Maxime. Installations, scupture, performance.
> Temps réel (2015C).

Damm Ursula.
> Vogelflug Migration (1992). Installation with video.

Dance Forms. A software to compose dance by computer. Seems no longer available on line.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 186?

Dang Vick
"Vicki Dang’s cinematic artwork integrates fashion and shōjo manga in other worldly meditations on technology and the female form."
> Exposition at Dimoda 2023

Daniaux Magali
> The Diluted Hours (2016) with C. Pigot Vinyl disc with incrusts.
> Webcam on the South pole (2013 c.). with C. Pigot. Shown at Show Off 2013.
> Cyclone kingcrab et Piper Sygma (2011), with Cédric Pigot.

Danielewski Mark Z. Writer. Wikipedia
> Only Revolutions. Pantheon, NY 2007. Wikipedia.
> House of Leaves. 2000

Daniels Ezra Claytan. Multimedia.
> Upgrade Soul (2012). Written and Illustrated by Ezra Claytan Daniels. Original Score by Alexis Gideon. Developed by Erik Loyer. An immersive science fiction graphic novel for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch—the first project built with the Opertoonity digital comics engine that complements the reading experience with fluid navigation, interactive 3D, and dynamic music.

Danylak Roman. University of Stockholm.
< Metaphors of Experience and Self in Interactive Systems. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010. Online.

Darbon Nicolas. University of Rouen.
< Musica multiplex. Dialogique du simple et du complexe en musique contemporaine. L'Harmattan 2007.

Darlington Alfred. Musician (Daedalus Group). In Computer Music, June 2011, an article about the way he uses electronic hardware and notably Pro Tools.

Judith Darmont. An example of a touche-à-tout digital artist, with important reference in commercials for major brands.

Darmont Judith. Diversified digital creations, mostly used for commercials, with major references (see biography).
> Urban spirits (2013 c.)
> Metamorphoses (2009)

Darnton Robert.
< Apologie du Livre. Demain, aujourd'hui, hier. Gallimard 2011 (English original1999). Important comments about Google's projects.

Darquié Gaétan. Scientist. Paris 8.
< Archintecturalité et programmes d'écriture pour les textes interactifs littéraires. Communication at Chercher le texte symposium (2013)

Darrot Nicolas. Robotics, language
> Injonction I (2009). Puppet driven by machine, and language. Shown at Robots & Artists

Darwin Charles. Not an artist, but of considerable importance for generative art.
< Charles Darwin et l' "évolution" dans les arts plastiques de 1959 à 1914, by Béatrice Grandordy. L'Harmattan 2012.

Virtools: Virtual design production environment.

Dassault systèmes A software products provider.
< Dassault Systèmes : le big Lab, par Mireille Boris. Veille, 2003.
- About the use of Catia by architects in the 1980's, see [Lynn, 1992]
> Catia, Wikipedia.
> SolidWorks.
> Has bought Virtools.

Daudel Raymond.
< La science et la métamorphose des arts.
by Raymond Daudel and Nicole Lemaire d'Agaggio (eds.). PUF, 1994.

Daumain Thibault
> Trace a line n°2 (2015C) Traditional drawing and digital painting.

Davidson Aaron. Text Aesthetic selection.

Davidson Andrea. Choreographer, a disciple of Jean-Louis Boissier.
> Danse et nouvelles technologies, by Andrea Davidson. Bains numériques, Enghien-les-Bains, 2005.
> La Morsure (1998) and CD-Rom en 2001. [Aziosmanoff] comments.

Davies Charlotte (Char) Immersive and interactive environments.
- [Grau] quotes her and presents a color image of Ephémère (1998). [Popper 2] pp. 191-197.
> Ephemere, Forest Stream (1998).
> Osmose (1995). Virtual reality. [Paul], [Wands], [Couchot 2003],13 pages and pictures in [Grau 2003].
> Subterranean Earth (1995).
> Tree pond (1995) [Wands].

Davinio Caterina Wikipedia. Poetry.
> Tecno-Poesia e realtà virtuali (2002). Techno-Poetry and Virtual Realities), essay (with English translation). Preface by Eugenio Miccini. Collection: Archivio della Poesia del 900, Mantova, Sometti Publisher (I) 2002.

Davis Allison. See Sugar Lab.

Davis Douglas. Performance.
> The World's First Collaborative Sentence (1994). Art Internet. [Greene] pp.30-31.
> The last 9 minutes (1977) [Paul].

Davis Joe. Bio-art with molecular biology. A full 22 pages chapter in [Reichle 2009]
> Milky Way DNA (1995)
> Riddle of Life (1993)
> Microvenus (1986)
> Poetica Vaginal (1980C)

Davis Harley. Wikipedia.
> Imogenes (2005) Image generating software.

Davis Paul B Art from game machines
> Codec (2000C)

Davis Rae. Page web. Performances and installations.
> Relic/relique (1999) [Murray] CD-Rom.

Brendan Dawes: art and/or technology and/or design.

Dawes Brendan.
> Doris Bot (2015) Video
> The Happiness Machine(2012). Webpage.

Dawkins Richard Not really an artist, he had a notable influence on Sims and Generative art. See in particular [Whitelaw] and [Berger-Lioret] p. 177.
< The blind watchmaker. 1986.
< The selfish gene. Oxford university press 1976.

Dawson Barbara. President of CG Scout Inc. and teacher at Vancouver Film School.

Dawson Paula. Holographic spectacles. [Murray] 36, 41-45.

Daz Studio. Software for generation of characters and posing.

DBN. Software by John Maeda. Replaced by Processing.

Dean Max. Cooperates with Raffaello d'Andrea.
> Robotic Chair (1985). Interactive animated chair. Presented by [Moulon] p. 37, with photo.
> The table : Childhood (1984) Presented by [Moulon] p. 36 with photo.

Debard Jean-Paul. Directeur of EMC Ecole supérieure des métiers de l'image, du son et du multimédia.

Debatty Régine. Blogger, curator and critic. Her blog : We Make Money, not Art.
- Quoted by [Quaranta].
< New Art/Science Affinities, by four authors (Andrea Grover, Régine Debatty, Claire Evans and Pablo Garcia) and two designers (Luke Bulman and Jessica Young of Thumb Projects ). Copublished by The Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University and the Studio for Creative Inquiry. 2011. A 190-page book on contemporary artists that was written and designed in one week, following a "booksprint process", inspired by code sprinting. Free download of the full book.

Fiat Lux, by Paul Debevec.

Debevec Paul . Associate Director, Graphics Research Research Associate Professor, USC ICT. See also his personal page.
> Fiat Lux (1999 c.), presented at 1999, commented by Nick Lambert in his PhD thesis Computer Art.

De Boeck Christophe. Music, sound energy distribution among several effectors, for example metallic plates around the audience. See Staalhemel.
- A member of Deep Blue.
> Stahlhemel (2007). En 2011, demonstration of such a system controlled by brain waves (alpha and beta waves intensity only).

Debons Didier. 3DTV Solutions.
Member of the board, Paris ACM Siggraph.

Heliobil, by Debouclans. Not digital, but more fascinating, with just one photo-voltaic cell and a motor, than some sophisticated kinetic art.

Debouclans Philippe. Kinetic art. Heliobil.
> Solar butterfly (1995). Not digital. Just a photovoltaic cell and a small motor, but complex, random, realistic, beautiful fly.

Debraux Laurent
> Le passé n'existe pas (2012) Past does'nt exist. It presents images about the spectators past, visible only through polarizaing glasses.
> Souvenirs (2010). The displayed image changes according to the position of the spectators.

Debully Michel. Video, painting. Abstract.
> GIRATORIO #81. 2019. Subligraphy on aluminum.
- Exposes at Animé 2019

Decatoire Olivier Robot paintings and sculptures. Page web, his blog . On a derisive mode.

DeCelle Paul. Website Renderosity. Fractal paintings.
> Demolition Man (2000 c.).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 68.

Laurant Debraux : Past doesn't exist

Deck Andy. Multimedia and social.
> Ecoscope (2007)
> Glyphiti (2001) [Greene] p. 164-165.
> Open Studio (2000) [Popper 2007] pp. 314-317.

Decker Shawn School of the Art institute of Chicago.
At Siggraph 2006 : work with loudspeakers fixed on ballet skirts.

Decock Jérôme . A member of LAb[au] group.

Decoi Architects
> Paramorph (2000 c.). These shapes call to" mind the supple curves of Lissajoux and other Harmonotrons. Finally, this project was never realized. See [Burry].


See Cod Act

Decouflé Philippe. Choreographer, a disciple of Alwin Nikolais.
< Philippe Decouflé, by Rosita Boisseau. Éditions Textuel, Paris, 2003.

Deep Blue. A dance group, form by the choreographers Heine Avdal and Yukiko Shinozaki and the musician Christoph De Boeck. (Deep Blue is also the name of the IBM machine which at chess won over Kasparov).
> Closer (2003). Presented by Privat (Qu'est-ce que la danse contemporaine).

De Garis Hugo. Philosopher about computers, genetic art, and the future of Mankind. Wikipedia.

A work by Hans Dehlinger

Degelo Architects
> Davos Conference Hall (2011). An example of tessellation for the ceiling's design. Web page. Quoted by Terracol with picture and geometric explanations.

Degoutin Stéphane. Teacher, Ensad (Arts décoratifs, Paris). Co-founder of the group Nogovoyages. Personal page on Nogo website.
> From Forest to Nogoland. (2013)
> Les espaces d'Abraxas (2012). with Stéphane Degoutin. Aix en Provence. The announcement.
> Cyborgs dans la brume (2011) with Gwenola Wagon.
> Googlehouse (2003). with Marika Dermineur. House construction from keywords and Google. [Moulon] p. 70 with a photo.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 105.

Dehlinger Hans An algorist. Traditional algorithmic work on plotter. "My artistic interest is centering on the adventures arising from the difficulties in mastering the plotted line as a means of artistic expression. Three fascinating aspects contribute to my interest:
1. The fascination of the mechanically guided pen.
2. The fascination of the monochrome line.
3. The fascination of the generative code."
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 65.
> SN-340_[20111] (2011) Quoted by [Lieser] 2015 with a picture
> Kreise 11 (2006) and other works are uoted by [Lieser] with pictures.

De Kerckhove Derrick.
Brainframes Technology, Mind and Business, by Derrick de Kerckove. Bosch & Keuning, 1991.

Delafontaine Laetitia. Form the group DN with Grégory Niel. See DN.

Delahaye Jean-Paul.
< Dessins géométriques et artistiques avec votre micro-ordinateur. Eyrolles 1985

Delangle Fred
> Paris-Dehli series (2016C) Photographs

DeLappe Joseph. On the borders of art and politics. See notes (four pages) in Tactical Media, by Rita Raley .

Delatouche Isabelle. Writing, books, interaction.
> L'anthologue (2014). Commented by [Aziozmanoff 2015] pp.225-245.

Delaume Chloé.
- An article by Le Monde SH No 25 (concepts), about Sim City.
> Corpus Simsi (2003) by Léo Scheer.
- Her website is worth a click.

Delécluse Christian. A founder of Digital Flesh.
> Inner space (2012c.). Kinetic and lights installation. With the cooperation of Demo Schawrtz for music. On the borders of generative art (random transitions) and psychology (of perception).

Youtube, qui a été présenté lors de la première BIAN de Montréal en 2012 et à l'édition 2014 du mapping festival à Genève.
et j'ai également effectué la création lumière des deux derniers projets de la compagnie pertendo.

Delesvaux Antoine, awarded (with Joann Sfar) at Annecy festival 2011 for :
> Le chat du rabbin (2011).

Deleuze Gilles (1925-1995) Wikipedia.
< Cinéma 1. L'image-mouvement (Editions de Minuit, 1983-1985). A reader's note in Ciné-club de Caen.
< Cinéma 2. L'image-temps (Editions de Minuit ,1985).
< Le Pli - Leibniz et le baroque (Editions de Minuit1988) "Gilles Deleuze recounts his fascination with Leibniz's interests in fluidity, elasticity and spirit (passion). Deleuze's notion of the fold contrasts sharply with Cartesian investments in line as an analytical, punctual equation... " (Timothy Murray, in his book Digital Baroque, deeply influenced by - Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 26.

Delieutraz Caroline. Web art and multimedia. Frequently with humor.
> Les vagues (2015)). Wooden jigsaw puzzle, from Internet images
> Only God can Judge me (2014). Play with it on the website. (no longer operational in 2017)
> Two visions (2012 and after). Diptychs.
> DCODD (2008), with the Microtruc group.

De Loor Pierre. Lisyc. UEB-Enib, Brest.
< Connecting Theater and Virtual Reality with Cognitive Sciences, by Pierre De Loor, Charlie Windeschmidt, Karen Martinaud and Vincent Cabioch. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010. Online.

Delormas Jérôme - CEO of Gaité lyrique.
- Former CEO of La Ferme du Buisson, at Marne-la-Vallée (Ile-de-France).

Delporte Olivier.
> Chute (2014) Combines video with Pure data patches to react to spectators moves.
> Mouvements (2013). Kinect and Processing.

Delprat Nathalie. University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris. and Limsi-CNRS, Orsay.
< In the clouds Virtual experience of a matter, by Nathalie Delprat, Claire Leroux and Sarah Fdili Aloui. Communication at Vric 2011.

Delsaux Jean. Forms the artists group Hantu with Pascale Weber.

Delvoye Wim. Logo like landscape, and a small bus to visit the site and then the work. > Cloaca (2005 c.). Machine producing excrements.

Demarco Hugo. A member of Grav. Dedicated website. Painting and kinetic art.
> Couleur (1980).
- See [Popper] pp. 22, 63, 117-118.

Demaret-Pranville Denise
> Vertigo 2019. Digital print.

Demarinis Paul.
> Rome to Tripoli (2006). Archaeological work.
> The Messenger (1998). 26 skeletons moving according to messages from Internet. [Moulon] p. 64.

Linda Dement : Cyberflesh Girlmonster

Dement Linda . Digital art, new media.
> Divination (2016). web page.
> Awry Signals (2014) Augmented Reality, seance device and live code performance (collaboration with Nancy Mauro-Flude)
> Kill Fix (2013) Augmented Reality for Bundanon Artists Trust, Siteworks
> 50BPM (2013) Installation (collaboration with Kelly Doley)
> Moving Forest (2008 and 2012), Networked sonic opera installtion-performances (collaboration with Shu Lea Cheang & AKA the Castle)
> Killing the Host (2011) Augmented Reality.
> Bloodbath (2010) Roller derby driven interactive event (collaboration Nancy Mauro-Flude, Kate Richards, Francesca da RImini, Sarah Waterson & Sydney Roller Derby League)
> In My Gash (1999). Interactive screen based work.
> Cyberflesh Girlmonster (1996 c.). Photo and comment in [Vroege].
> Cyberflesh Girlmonster (1995) Interactive screen based work.
> Typhoid Mary (1991). interactive screen based work.

Dementieva Alexandra. Interaction in diverse kinds of arts. Website

Demers Louis-Philippe. Installations, robotic immersion. Presence and body.
< Anthropocentrism and the staging of robots, by Louis-Philippe Demers and Jana Horakova, in [Adams].
> Inferno (2012). Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> The tiller girls (2010) Youtube. Dancer robots. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
- "Loud, nasty, violent systems", writes [Whitelaw] who also describes the works of Demers and Vorn :
> La Cour des miracles (1997).
> No Man's Land (1996).
> Espace vectoriel (1994).

Demeyer Tom. Synthesis cinema, flow modulating machine. Facebook. Head of the technology department at Waag.
> Imagine (2000 c.) Software. With Steina Vasulka : Image/ine (or imX).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 72.

Demiaux Bernard.
- His recent works make no reference to digital processes.
< Le programme et la main. Editions du Sextant 2010. The memoirs of an artist who wrote his first computer graphics on an Apple II in 1978. The book includes a series of color plates showing the evolution of digital arts since 1980. Some examples of the events he tells about: > Stardust memories #2 (2006) with Anna Rosa Richardson. Pigment inks on canvas. [Forest 2] Digital?
> Mégalithe (1999). In Rennes (Brittany) "... we take up again the adventure games principle: from a database of drawings and predefined words... the players receive a customized digital composition... ".
> Coca-Perf (1996) with Anna Rosa Richardson. On-line performance on-line. [Forest 2]
- In 199, in Sao Paulo, a first performance on the Internet.
- En 1993. See Orlan.
> White Boxes (1991). Mural sound interactive sculptures.
> Yes/No (1989) , installationà at galerie Beaubourg "Macintosh computers show sequences of informational objects, from Marcel Duchamp to Bertrand Lavier".

de Miguel Regina
> A Fictional Machine Capable of Superluminal Communication by Regina de Miguel (not digital) in Arles

Demoscene A community of developers using ancient machine architecture (e.g. Commodore 64) to build new applications and notably games.


Dempsey Alan. Architect.
> [c]space (2008), with Alvin Huang. Sectioning, curves. Quoted by [Iwamoto], with a double page including photography and schemes.

Demuro Paul. Painting. Digital?

Denisart Christian.
> Robots (2009). An article in Les automates intelligents, 2009.

Léon Denise presentation. Click for video.

Denise Léon. Uses videogames to create art. Global name "Shader". He says " As an artist programmer, I use video games tools to explore and experiment new ways of perceiving realities. I dream about image filters and distortion effects in a land of singing vertices and dancing polygons.".

Denize Antoine.
> Machines à écrire (1999). CD Rom inspired by Queneau and Perec research.

Denjean Marc.
> Labyrinthe Mandala (1984). Experience of walking into a Chartres cathedral copy. [Forest 2].

Denki Maywa. Digital objects.
> Orchestre mutant (2014). At Cité des Sciences, Paris.
> Voice Mechanics (2013 c.) . Voice Mechanics is a series of kinetic sculptures that make voice, with mechanical structures, not electronics. This project originally started by focusing on interesting points of “functionality” and “magicness” of “voice”.Developed machines will be present as singers on stage like “Seamoons”.We will also apply this know-how to mass-produced industrial products like > Robot! (2013). A show with many robots on stage, by Blanca Li. With the robots of Maywa Denki.
- Quoted by [Grau] p. 291 with a picture of the Tsukuba series.

Dermineur Karen. Aka KRN., and a member of group.
< Digital Afrique. A major special issue of MCD', dated June-August 2013. Dermineur is the invited editor-in-chief of this 130 full pages document in small fonts, presenting several synthetic papers, 50 African digital artists and a lot of groups or art centers and instituions in this continent.

Dermineur Marika. A member of group.
> Googlehouse (2003). with Stéphane Degoutin. House construction from keywords and Google. [Moulon] p. 70 with a photo.


Desaubliaux Alix
> Terre Creuse (2016) Laser print on paper.

Desbazeille: Mobinaut portraits.

Desbazeille Magali
> L’Année Mondiale de l’Indice Postérieur Net et du Bonheur National Brut (2016), digital installation at Maison Populaire de Montreui
- Commented on by [Bubb] pp. 197-231.
> Mobinauts Portraits (2013), by Magali Desbazeille. Explanation: all over the world, SMS users have to use the Western alphabet, even if their language is ideographic.
> Tu penses donc je te suis (2000). Installation interactive. [Moulon] p. 11.

Deschamps Igor.
> Synthetisme (2011).
> Hiver numérique (2009).
> Digital Washboard (2009).
- More in French.

Deschamps Judith
> Ne plus être dans votre regard, c’est disparaitre (2016). . Video and performance.

Deschaud Gilles-Alexandre.
> Chase Me (2015) Best in Show, at the Siggraph Asia Computer animation festival. The team spent two years creating 2500 3D prints , from characters to each set element, to be filmed into this short animation.

More info and video ; Chasemefilm et AWN.

Deslias Frédéric. Art director of Clair Obscur
> Soft Love (2017). See a long interview in in Digitalarti .

De Smedt Tom See Smedt.

Desmoulains Jefferson Compagnie Traces. Theater, dance.
> Somnio Room (2017).

Dessens David. (AKA Sanch)..
> Superformula (2008). Abstract 3D constructs. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].

Destieu Paul
> Varia (2015C) by *** 3D printing from signals

Destieu Quentin
> Machine 2 Fish, exoskeleton for goldfish (2016C) by Quentin Destieu and Sylvain Huguet. This installation transform the moves of a living goldfish into a robot moves . See Dardex page.

Desvirtual. See Giselle Beiguelman

Deswaef Julien Imal page
> Shiv Integer (2017). by Julien Deswaef and Matthew Plummer-Fernandez. Show at Cube.

Deswarte Lola. Experimental cinema.
- Qui est ce nuage ?, a project, in 2012 , of a behavioral digital work, by Lola Deswarte and Alain Lioret. Presented at galerie du Buisson (Paris).

Deumier Sandrine.
> Code Kandy (2013). Directed sound poetry. Performed with Aix P.op during the Chercher le texte festival (2013).

Deussen Oliver  Robotics
> eDavid robot (2012). Painting robot. Communication by Oliver Deussen, Thomas Lindenmeier, Sören Pirk and Mark Tautzenberger.

Devautour Paul. He created the Ramo Nash Circle.
> Sowana (2008). "An interactive GPS (Generator of specific problems), reacting to any proposal, and changing its state. This robot simulates a contemporary art expert, an uses the conversations content... " [Couchot 2003] (Our translation).
> Black Box (1998). Page of Gertrude. [Couchot 2003].

Develay Frédéric. A plastician artist working on langauge.
- His works were published on floppy disks. They were an aspect of the floppy disc magaainz Laire/laire. They can be read today in any video reader software. [Bootz].

DeviantArt . Alias of Joodan-Kun

Dewaele Daniel.
> Il est bon aussi d'être représenté (1970 c.). Interview of immigrant residents. Not specially digital, but quoted by [Forest 2]. Communication aesthetics.

Dewasne Jean. A member of Oupeinpo.

DeWitt Tom. Interaction.
> Pantomation system (1982). Interactive device, letting a mime play with virtual objects, computed and projected on a screen. [Couchot 2003], [Couchot 2003].
- Five pages with photos in [Youngblood].
> The leap (1968).

DeYi Studio . A group formed by Xia Yilan and Paul Devautour, operating in Shanghai since 2008. It organizes meetings and discussions. It has opened a spall experimentation space, where it leads the « Bazaar Compatible Program » .

Diabi Moulla. Founder of Augmented Magic.
- Since 2012.

Diagne Cyril
> (2012)

Dias-Pino Wlademir . "Auteur important dans l’évolution vers la poésie numérique. Il crée en 1951 à Rio de Janeiro le mouvement pour « un double symbolisme, au-delà des images» qui anticipe quelque peu l’aventure concrète. Il instaure la poésie sémiotique en 1962, poésie sans mot qui fonctionne sur des codes et des analogies entre des éléments visuels et des mots. Il fondera en 1967 le mouvement process/ poem qui avait été inaugurée dès 1956 par son livre-objet A-Ave, poème livre-objet dans lequel tout participe à la signification, y compris la façon de le lire. "[Bootz]. - Le poème sémiotique . Interesting but difficult document (in Spanish).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 36.

Dickson Stewart. Variétés complexes du théorème de Fermat. [Lioret]] 155.

Dick Philip K.
A cult author for the "cyber" world.
< Substance rêve, Dédales sans fin, Aurore   sur un jardin de palmes, La Porte obscure,   Philip K. Dick, (an integral translation of the fiction works) éd. Omnibus, 1990-1994
< Do Androids dream of electronic sheep. Rapp and Whiting, 1969.
< The Ganymede Takeover, 1967. Ace Books.

Dickey William. Hypertextual poetry.
> Four Hyperpoems (1988). Indicated by [Bootz].
> Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra (1988). disk. See History of Computer Art, by Thomas Dreher.

DICRéAM. Institutional device for multimedia art creation (France).

Diefenbach Anja. Theater.
> Cyberstaging Parsifal (2000), by Anja Dieferbach and Chrisoph Rodatz. 2 pages with pictures in [Dixon 2007].

Diehl Teresa  . Interaction

Dietz Steve Interview.
- Executive director, Northern Lights.
- Artistic Direcor, 01SJ Biennial.
- In 2000, was heading the New Media Initiative in Minneapolis Walker Art Center.

Difrancesco David. Animation
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith. The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence, according to [Masson].

Digicult. "The Digicult Agency was born in the summer 2008 as a Digicult side project. Today it overlooks the digital art and culture market with a wide spectrum of artists, performers and designers creating audiovisual immersive systems (performances and installations) focused on the relationship among sound, visual and space"

Digit. Group, or studio, founded by Daljit Singh. Interaction specialists. Four pages in [Cameron]. Active in the 1990's. Does not seem active in 2012.
> Digital aquarium (1990 c.).

Digital Art Museum. A resource about digital art. But, in 2014, seems to have ceased living and updating.

Digital Flesh . A group founded in 2007 by Armando Menicacci and Christian Delécluse with an artistic approach crossing pedagogy, research and creation. One of the aims is to free the individuals development potentials, in osmosis with their environment. There work on two very different projects. > Underscore (2007). Performance at Bains Numériques d'Enghien. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, MayJune-July 2013. Improvisation on cues given by a computer.
> Dans le noir (2007c.) is an immersive environment, where an individual spectator loses his/her marks.

Digital Media Group.
- In 2012 they create a re-animation of the singer Tupac, using the projection system Eyeliner, by Musion systems. Tupac died in 1996, but this animated reconstruction was very convincing... perhaps even too much. A spectator said "He was so real that it could not be true". (Our translation, according to an article in Créanum, May-June 2012,

Digitalarti. Digital art international. Bilingual (French/English) social network, fully dedicated to digital art and innovation. Included investment funds.

Digital Stories. An article in Digitalarti. A tool for interaction in cinema halls mainly. Supported by Rencontres Audiovisuelles, a non profit organization in Lille (Frane).

Maartje Dijkstra: Transwarm Entities
Dijkstra Maartje . Fashion design
> Transwarm Entities (2017). Four drones move around a 3D printed dress. Controlled by radio (Bitcraze), the drones move at the music rhythm and create a choreographic swarm.



Dimanche Rouge. A non-profit multidisciplinary arts association based in Paris. They promote experimental and live art including performance art, multimedia, dance, sound, video and installations.
- Bambuser, Vimeo ,  Livestream,  Flickr. Videos:,
> Ttri-national experimental performance festival (2013). Presentedl in Estonia, Finland and France from October 17th until the 20th, 2013 in co-production with Ptarmigan ry, Art Container/Polymer and Le Generateur/Frasq.

Digital Slaves. "A french agency exploring artistic mutation through the developement of new technologies.
We create custom-made solutions for events and interactive installations. We are specilized in immersive architecture mapping projection, HD multi stream installations, LED and DMX programming, 2D & 3D Digital Graff, interactive environment and real time motion graphics."

Dimension 3. Show, films presentation, stereography conferences.
- 2011 session in Saint-Denis (Ile-de-France). Report in Sonovision Broadcast 7-8/2011, signed by François Chevallier.

Di Meglio Côme
> CleanForce 1,2,3 (2016) Silicon sculpture.

Dimitriu Anna Generative art with little computing. Rather a collection of algorithmic DIY works. But suggestive.

Ding Shao. Multimedia. Eyebeam page. In 2010, Wu Juehui and Shao Ding founded the art group “MeatMedia”, focusing on the “Emotional Interface” in an attempt to find a balance between the“Dry media”and the“Wet media”
> Brainstation (2009) by Wu Juehi and Shao Ding. Quoted by {Worms,2012

Diodato Roberto
< Esthétique du virtuel. by Roberto Diodato. Vrin 2011. Philsophical...

Dionne Boris. [Couchot 2003] p. 241. Scenarist and ergonomist, mainly on the web.

Diop Sylviane. Artist's name Praline Barjowski or PralineB. Research about digital technologies and their use in creation.
- In 2004, aided by Karen Dermineur, she creates the Dak'Art_Lab and the collective GawLab.

Ivor Diosi. Molding the signifier

Diosi Ivor. Interaction. His first works date back to 1989. See Moonoskop page.
> Molding the signifier (2015). "The installation deploys an external biological agent to infiltrate and disrupt the body-ecosystem of a virtual human, resulting in a state that we regular humans can perceive as mental illness. A well known game character has been chosen to be repurposed and deconstructed as a virtual human actor, as this is how most people today are introduced to and come to know virtual entities. This is in effect intended as a social commentary on a culture that is hungry for simulated experiences, yet is stuck on its own evolutionary conditioning - the problem described as the “uncanny "Data from a contaminated biologic culture (a mold species growing in a petri dish) are continuously
monitored via a digital microscope and measured with a set of bioelectric sensors. This real-time input
is gradually interspersed into the neuronal logic that govern facial recognition (of exhibition visitors),
and the virtual human visualization/simulation, combined with emotion expression and speech
synthesis." See a note (in French) by Annick Bureaud.

Ivor Diosi: The Qualia Project.

> Qualia Project (2014). Interactive screens with built-in optical face tracking. The artworks react to face movement and gaze - the cyberscapes morph and transform when they feel onlookers' eyes.

Diouf Laurent. Chief editor of MCD.
< Les arts numériques, by Laurent Diouf, Anne Vincent and Anne-Cécile Worms. Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques 2013.

Dipline LED art in your home.

Director. An Adobe software product.


Fantasia, by Disney

Disney Walt. More in French.
< Blanche Neige et les Sept nains. La création du chef-d'oeuvre de Walt Disney. by Karl Derisson. L'Harmatta, Paris, 2014. In 1934, Disney takes the risk or realizing the first feature sound and color anmation film.
- See [Berger-Lioret] p. 35, 62, 106.
- One chapter in [Rose] : "How to build an universe that doesn't fall apart".
- Some info in Digital Storytelling. A creator's guide to interacdtive entertainment. [Miller, 2014].
- Living Worlds (project launched in 2012) . Disney in the transmedia.
> Paperman (2011). Diccan's note.
- Tron l'héritage. (2011), by Steven Lisberger.
> Tron (1982). by Steven Lisberger.

> Fantasia (1940). A work on image for music illustration. Some parts are nearly generative art, using algorithms by Fishinger. "He designed the J.S Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor sequence for Walt Disney's Fantasia (1940), but quit without credit because all studio artists simplified and altered his designs to be more representational." according to Wikipedia

Night Landscape, by Annie Dissaux
Dissaux Annie.
- Cinema, theatre, evolving concept, vegetal art.
- 2D animation artist. Member of the board of Afca and chief editor of its newsletter.
- Supports the Marraine Mayenne cybercenter.

Distinguin Stéphane. Manager and leader of the innovation ecosystem in Paris and San Francisco. Founded FaberNovel. Presided Futur en Seine 2011.

DiTulio Philip. Founder of the Schillinger Society . He developed the Schillinger System of music composition.

Divisionnisme périgourdin This artistic school, founded by Philippe Mouchès, aims to group all artists wishing to explore its method: divide before compose.
- Divisionism is a phase of digitization. See our note about fragmentation.

Divizenije Artistic group, 1960's. Quoted by Darko Fritz in [Lartigaud].

Dixon Steve
< Digital performance: a history of new media in theater, dance, performance art and installation, by Steve Dixon and Barry Smith. MIT Press 2007. *** A superb summa ot the topic, 809 pages!

Dizain. A series of presentations of digital art in Paris. Does not seem operational in April 2018.
- Taste, sound and images at Dizains night. (spring 2013).

Djeff. Multimedia.
> Presage (2018C). Installation. See text.
> Breeze (2009), by Djeff, interactive installation, with fans.
> Trajectoires (2000). Interactive crime fiction. Djeff

Djeff: Breeze.

DN. Moves. Group formed by Laetitia Delafonaine and Grégory Niel.
> Rosemary's Place (2007). Installation. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013

DNA 11 . Biological portraits.

Documenta. A major place of contemporary art, notably digital.
> Documenta Done (1997). A work by Cosic, protesting against the presentation of his works.

Documentation Celine Duval. Photography, mounting. Not properly digital. Cooperates with Estelle Lecoq for typographical effects.
> 3 temps en 4 mouvements (2009). Photographic exhibition in Orthez (Aquitaine, France).

Dodds Douglas. Senior Curator, Word & Image Department. Victoria and Albert Museum.

Dodge Charles. Music. Wikipedia. Presented at length in [Baudouin].
> Speech Songs (1972c.).

Doherty Robin Digital prints.
> Untitled 1 (2002) [Wands]   (baby, digital print).

Dolus & Dolus . An asssociation, based in Lyon (France). Seems no longer opertional in April 2018.

Dombis Pascal. "Geometric considerations are at the heart of the iterative hyperstructures and the abstrac digital wall print... (He) has an engineering background, whidh has helped him to develop his own programming technique as he writes his own algorithms using computer language and a fractal iterative loop" [Popper > Post-Digital Blue (2013). Two lenticular panels, palying on glitch.
> SpamScape (2012)
> Eurasia (2009-2013) and Line Wave (2012-2013) by Patrick Dombis,
> Post-Digital Mirror (K A3, KA 4, KA1). Generative images, but the documentation does not let easily understand the generative logic.
< Rizong3 (1999), Antisana1 (2000). Comments and images in [Popper 2] pp. 92-95.
- Comment by [Chirollet] : (his technique) "transpose fractal images, computer generated, mainly through robotic painting or laser printing on lage format slides. Then the images are selectively reworked with acrylic paint, in a schematic way, in order to absatract and stress some formal structures..." (Our translation).

Dombis: Eurasia

Domike Steffi.
> Terminal Time (1999). by Steffi Domike, Michael Mateas and Paule Vanouse. The audience is posed questions and the volume of applause to each answer triggers a computer program to intelligently compile a film montage customized to their states ans sensibilities" (from [Dixon 2007], with a picture.

Domingo Alain. Designer, founder of the Nemo Collective.

Dominguez Diana Sensorial perception of the human body.
- [Couchot 2003] p.167.
- [Popper 2] p. 168-169.

Dominguez Ricardo. A member of Electronic Disturbance Theater.
> SWARM (1998). Performance.

Dommanget Nadine. A former member of Les Algoristes

Domnitch Evelina. An artist duo with Dimitry Gelfand.
> Camera lucida (2004). Audiovisual performance. Quoted by [Moulon] p. 20-21 with a picture of the work.

Donath Judith et Fernanda B. Viégas.
> Chat circles (1999) Relational work on the web. [Paul].

Donguy Jacques. Art critic and poet.
< Poésies expérimentales, Zone numérique (1953-2007). by Jacques Donguy. Les presses du réel, ADLM. Dijon 2007.

< Aluminium Nights, écriture automate computer et autres. Le Castor astral, 1987. Travaux en Basic.

Donikian : Experience for a virtual museum.

Donikian Stéphane Manager. Presently manager of Golaem, a company which publises softwre for stage populating with digital characters, notably for cinema, advertisement, TV serials and video games.
See the Golaem website.
- Irisa/CNRS. See his Irisa page.
< Virtual storytelling. 4th ICVS, Saint-Malo (France), by Marc Cavazza and Stéphane Donikian (eds). Springer 2007

Donin Nicolas. Team leader "Analyse des pratiques musicales" at Ircam.

Donnarumma Marco. Performer, sound and new media artist.
> Golden Shield Music (2010) - 2011. Collects the twelve wegsites IP addressses that are most often blacklised by the Chinese Government, processes them through an automated MIDI polyphonic synthesizer, and generates music for playback in eight audio channels. Commented in [ Debatty et al.

Doodle Garden. A software made for himself by Andy Singleton.
See [Berger-Lioret] p. 175.

Dörbaum Martin. Painting
> Landgang (2004) Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture
> Interiors (1997)

Dorf Mark . Mainly a photograph, marginally digital.
> Transposition (2016-2017)

Dorgebray Thierry. Testimony of a 3D technico-commercial en 3D on the Paris ACM Siggraph website.

Dorin Alan. "Aesthetics, algorithms, artificial life". Page Monash (which includes a presentation of his art works and papers, many of which relate to art and creativity . Among other projects or papers:

Generative from synthesis (Monash)

- A Process-based Approach to Generative Form Synthesis. Research project. "We will construct a novel language for the synthesis of form in digital arts that adopts a fundamentally process-oriented approach, an alternative to traditional object-based methodologies found in current systems. The language will be implemented in computer software, developed and tested for application in the creative arts. It will enhance artists' abilities to conceptualise, create and manipulate 3D geometry, animation and digital audio. The process-focused methodology the research promotes will foster modes of engagement with our interactive software unavailable in existing creative Chief investigators: Jon McCormack, Alan Dorin , Mitchell Whitelaw and William Latham. Other investigators: Benjamin Porter, Jonathan McCabe and James Wetter.

< Pollination in a New Climate (2014). A scientific visualization with an aesthetic dimension (but not directly dealing with art).
< Creativity Refined: Bypassing the Gatekeepers of Appropriateness and Value , by Alan Dorin and Kevin B. Korb, in McCormack 2012.
> Hydroid Medusae (1995) Written, directed & animated by Alan Dorin. Music by Alan Dorin & James Packer. Duration: 2min 30sec Produced at Animaland Studios, Melb. Australia.

Dorkbot. Wikipedia: is a group of affiliated organizations worldwide that sponsor grassroots meetings of artists, engineers, designers, scientists, inventors, and anyone else working under the very broad umbrella of electronic art. The dorkbot motto is "people doing strange things with - The Gaité lyrique in Paris holds regular meetings with them.

Dorsen Annie. Multimedia. Voice/interaction.
> A piece of works (2013). Mixing live performance with algorithms and interfaces, this work flips the switch between man and machine in a digital Hamlet for a post-humanist age. The spectator is absorbed in a swirl of connections amongst memory, language and technology, implicating  both the past and future of theatre
> Spokaoke (2012). Participants are invited to make speeches like in a karaoke system.
> Hello Hi There (2011). A note in Random Magazine.
> Passing Strange (2004)

Douet Ortiz Marine. . Painting.
> Pando project (2019). Combines natural inks with algorithms. See our blog

Scott Draves practicing VJing.

Douglas Gordon. Cinema. [Couchot 2003] p. 177.

Dourmana Petko.
> Post Global Warming Survival Kit (2009). Video installation [Moulon] p. 97.

Doutriaux Cédric
> Joinville-le-Pont (1997) shows what hypertext affords as expressivity. Rather long presentation in .Bootz.

Dove Toni. Immersive and interactive environments. Voice/touch relationships.
> Spectroscopia (1999) until 2002. [Paul].
> Artificial changelings (1993) until 1998 [Paul] , [Popper 2] 231-236, [Murray] 182-186.
> Archeology of a Mother Tongue (1993) by Michael Mackenzie and Toni Dove. A VR installation. Cited by [Dixon 2007].

Do-Won Sin. Visual artist, performer and video clips.

Dragan Anja. Fashion design.
> Nuit Blanche (2016), by Anja Dragan and Elektrocouture. A jacket is illuminated by 336 Leds

Drakulic Aleksander. Cinetic art.
- Exposes at Animé 2019

Un drame musical instantané is an orchestra with variable geometry, or if you prefer a group of three composers : Jean-Jacques Birgé, Bernard Vitet and Francis Gorgé.

Draves Scott
> Electric Sheep (1999). Internet-connected personal computers screensaver. An image in [Dreher] . > Dreams in high fidelity
(2006 c.). Shown at Siggraph 2006. Complex, cute.
- Draves is also practicing VJing.
>Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 72, 78, 174. and by [Dreher].

Dreher Thomas
- In 220, he is preparing a long story about intermedia arts.
< History of Computer Art. 550 pages of PDG, downloadable notably from Academia. It is particularly interesting for its large documentation and picture collection on the origins of video and games.

Drexler K. Eric.
< Engines of Creation, Doubleday (Anchor Books), 1986.

Dreyfus G.
< Réseaux de neurones, méthodologie et applications. by Dreyfus G. Martinez J.-M, Samuelides M. , Gordon M.B., Badran F. , Thiria S. , Héraul S. : Eyrolles 2002-2004

Driessens & Verstappen: Glow.

Driessens Erwin et Verstappen Maria 3D and robotics.
> On Glow (2014). Site specific installation.
> Tuboid (1998).
> Ima traveller (1996). Painting software.
> Tickle (1995) project explained by [Whitelaw], robotics more than digital.
> The Factory (1995).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 72, 221.

Drift Studio
> Flylight (2013), by Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn. It features a large cloud of halogen tubes, wih varying luminosities and tones, somehow in the manner of Alain Le Boucher, but larger (several meters long, the work is hanged to the ceiling). - Marjolein Van Zanten, studio manager

Drouhin Reynald. A member of group.
> Driving hyperreality. (2014). Modified photo.
> I.P.C. (2008). Megalopolis generated by the IP addresses of the whole world internauts connecting on the IP Monochrome website.
> IP Monochrome (2006). [Moulon] p. 79 with a picture.
> Ici (2003). Web art
> Butterfly#OM (2002). [Moulon] p. 31-32 (with a photo).
- [Couchot 2003] p. 252, [Berger-Lioret] p. 104.

Dr Mutatis. A software product for fractal and genetic creation. See [Berger-Lioret] p. 175.

Drouillon Frédéric
< Arts et mutations. Les nouvelles relations esthétiques. By several authors, with an introduction by Marc Jimenez. Klincksieck 2004. Note the article Impressionnisme technologique, le concept de robographe, by Frédéric Drouillon and Francis Rousseaux.

Droulers Jérémie See François Blondeau.

The Du-touch instrument, by Dualo Cy.

Drouot (hotel des ventes). This Paris auction hall deals with digital art. On spring 21010,
Drouot Montaigne organized a course on this topic. One of the speakers : Margherita Balzerani .

Druais Stéphane. Film director. Founded Computer Video Film (today, Mikros Image).
< Le pinceau électronique. Communication at the Le futur a un passé symposium (2011).

Druckrey Timothy
< Iterations: The New Image, edited by Timothy Druckrey and Charles Stainback. MIT Press, 1993.

Du Zhenjun. See Zhenjun. Multimedia artist.

Dualo. This company produces a music instrument, the Du-Touch. The interface is a couple of keyboards, accordion style. The company was founded in 2011 by Jules Hotrique (mathematicien) and Bruno Verbrugghe (computer scientist), both also musicians.
- The principle (theory, in French). Explanataions also on Wikipedia (in French also).

Dubois Jean
> Tact (2000), interactive video installation,
> Brainstorm (2011). Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> A portée de souffle (2008) up to 2010. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> Zones Franches (1997)

Du Bois Michel
> Scriptura et Caetera (1999), by Marie Bélisle, André Savard and Michel Du Bois. A set of poems and short texts, changing in time according to geometrical patterns .Bootz.

Jean Dubois, explaining Tact at Show Off 2013.

Dubois Kitsou. Choreographer and dancing girl.

Dubois R. Luke. Combination of music and visuals. Represented by Bitforms gallery, New York.
> Multiplicity (2008).

Duchamp Marcel. Pre-digital art.
> Mariée and La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même (1930 c.) (The big glassware).
> Rotative plaque de verre (1930 c.). A tentative exploration of cinetic art.
> Anemic cinema (1926) Experimental film, made with Marc Allegret, in Man Ray's studio. wikipedia.
> Fountain (1920 c.).
> Nu descendant un escalier (1910 c.).
- [Grau] gives several references and dedicates a chapter Duchamp: Interface:Turing: A hypothetical encounter between the Bachelor machine and the Universal machine, signedDieter Daniels.
- Substantial (531 pages) and deep biography in Marcel Duchamp, biographie, by Judith Housez. Grasset 2006.
- See [Berger-Lioret] p. 101. More in French .
< L'esprit nouveau, les rotoreliefs de Duchamp ou la fantasmagorie du brevet, an article by Philippe Duboy, Art Press Marcb 1993.

Albert Ducrocq : the first pixelated image we know of.
Du Colombier Pierre

Albert Durer. Albin Michel 1927.

Ducrocq Albert. Engineer, journalist, scientific writer, manager. Wikipedia. See French note.
> Calliope (1952). Random generator of poems.
- Interesting comments on Jean-Noël Lagargue blog .
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 34, 47.

Ducornet Mytil. A member of Atelier Müesli with Léa Chapon. Typography specialists.

Dufau Pierre. Architect. Wikipedia (in French)
> Paris Sports Palace (1959). 9 pages of comments with picture in Terracol with pictures and geometric explanations, for its use of sphere partition.

Dufaux Pascal. Panoptical images, human body "visuality".

Dufay Guillaume. Music composer, 15th century. Wikipedia.
> Nuper rosarum flores (1436). Isorhythmic composition based on the ratios 6:4:2:3, corresponding to those of Firenze duomo (according to [Edwards]).

Duff Tom. Animation, rendering.
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith. The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence, according to [Masson].

Dufour Frank.
> Sale Temps (1997) by Frank Dufour, Gilles Armanetti and Jacky Chiffot. Done as a photo compositing similar to La Jetée by Chris Marker's film. See .Bootz.

Dufour Sophie-Isabelle
< L'image vidéo d'Ovide à Bill Viola. by Sophie Isabelle Dufour. Paris. Archibook + Sautereau, 2008.

Dufourt Hugues
< La musique depuis 1945. Matériau, esthétique et perception
. by Hugues Dufourt et J.M. Fauquet (eds.) Mardaga, Brussels, 1996.

Dufrenne yann
Un des rares artistes numériques qui ne se refuse ni au jeu ni à l'interactivité : "Je ne fais pas exactement de l'art comme un mudée l'entend. Je fais de l'art ludique". J'en ai tout de même relevé 207, des origines à 2020.

Sur le thème de l'interactivité, voir le mot <a href = "">Interaction</a> dans le site diccan.
L'ACM a un groupe spécialisé en interaction homme-machine en général

Son site pour une de ses oeuvres

Duguet Anne-Marie
< Déjouer l'image: Créations électroniques et numériques.Jacqueline Chambon, 2002.

S/N, by Dumb Type.

Dullaart Constant . The typical geek with humor even against his website visitors.

Dumas Chloe Scenographer. In 2011, she founded the InVivo group.
> Une liaison contemporaine - A Contemporary Affair (2014).

Dumb Type . A group founded in Kyoto City Arts College, an initiative by Teiji Furuhashi. " Its projects go beyond discipline borders, between living show, video installation and graphic arts.
< S/N ou la confession impudique. De l'installation à la performance : la tradition au coeur de la technologie. by Christine Zeppenfeld-Rosaz and Nicole LeBian-Prada. A 22 pages chapter in [Picon-Vallin] pp. 257-278.
- Cited by[Parfait], p.171-172.
> pH (1990). Cited by [Dixon 2007] with a picture "to introduce into theatre the feeling of the domination of the machine".

> Voyage (2002). A show created in Toulouse, and an installation in Tokyo ICC (1997).
> Life (1999) Shiro Takatani is artistic director for this first opera by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
> Memorandom (1999). Show.
> Frost frames (1998) installation created by Shiro Takatani for the Tokyo Spiral Hall.
> S/N (1994). An abbreviation for Signal/Noise. It shows up an technology hounded for by technology.
> Lovers (1994) (love and dying images), an installation created by Teiji Furuhashi. The wok is now part of the permanent collections of Museum of Modern Art de New York.
> pH (1990). Until 1991.
> Pleasure Life (1988).
- More in French.

Dumetz Cédric. Visual graphics, Video, Interaction, multimedia. On Youtube.
> L'escarpolette (2009) See Dailymotion.

Dumitriu Anna. Bio art, fabrics Normal Flora Text about her. Wikipedia: "a visual and performance artist based in Brighton, England, specializing in bioart. Her installations, interventions and performances use digital, biological and traditional media including bacteria, digital projections and embroidery, working with diverse > Infective textiles (2009 c.).
> Bed and Chair Flora (2006). Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.
> Lab coat Flora (2006). Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.

Dunes. See Groupe Dunes.

Dupouy Marcel. Marcadis. Video painting and electronic processing. He uses analog electronics to generate moving images. In Laval Virtual 2013, he showed the variety of combinations possible with his systems, including a "mise en abyme", with a camera filming the output image projected on screen. - His part in LT2 company.
< Art Analogique Art Digital, by Marcel Dupouy and Gottfried Beyreuther. Amazon publications 2018.
> Onyric Parade
> Onyric Waves (2011) . Youtube.
- Movicolor (1973) synthesizer and effects generator Cited by[Parfait], on several pages.


Robin Dupuis, Lixiviat

Dupuis Robin. Video. Perte de signal page.

> Lixiviat (2013), shown at Show Off 2013.
> Démarche (1999). Video festival of Casablanca.

Duran-Duboi. Production studio, led by Pascal Hérold.

Durand David
> La marionette numérique (2016). Projet combinant marionnette et vido-projection. par Philippe Baby avec Sylvie Baillon et David Durand.

Durante Tommaso. Painting.
> Terra Australis (2003). Artist's book.
< The History of Computer Graphics and Digital Art Project.
- Artist books-
< The Visual Archive Project of the Global Imaginary

Dürer Albrecht
- A forerunner of digital art as a conscious use of engraving and printing to work reproduction and distribution.
< Albert Durer. by Pierre Du Colombier. Albin Michel 1927. (there are certainly more recent books).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 19-20.

Durif Valentin.
> Machines à rien (2015) page AADN.
> Emincé d'Oreilles (2010 c.) on the Bipolar website.

During Elie
< Matrix, machine philosophique, by Alain Badiou, Thomas Benatouil, Elie During, Patrice Maniglier, David Rabouin and Jean-Pierre Zarader. Paris, Ellipses 2003.

Dury Rémi. Composer, inventor of the Karlax music instrument (See Dafact).

Dutertre Gilbert. Ina. Former president, Paris ACM Siggraph. Viadeo page .

Dutey Douglas
- Motion poetry (2013), by Brian Barrachina, Douglas Duteil and Cassandra Ribotti. Created for the Chercher le texte Festival.
< Voies de Faits (1989). Poetry game on screen. (Bootz).

Duthilleur et Minart. They can embroider a graphical pattern, using any jpg. file.

Dutoit Thierry. Full professor, University of Mons (Belgium). His page. Manageer of the Numediart Insitute.
> City Light (2014)

Dutton Geoffrey. Painting
> Untitled (before 1977) See an image in the Recode project.

Duval Renaud. Interaction, immersive spaces.
> Le Havre (2013 c.). Photography about floods.
> Clipon Archives (2012).


DVD - DVDvision, page wikipedia. Magazine dealing with DVD.

Dwyer Barbara. Painting.
> Double Checkerboard (before 1976). See an image e in the Recode project.

Dyens Georges Predigital art with light : laser et holography  [Popper 1] p.136.

Dyson Frances
< Sounding new media. University of California Press 2009.




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